Today is my son, Brennan's third birthday. Yay!
It's also kind of interesting to think about the last three years since he was born. Almost all of my serious writing endeavors have happened within Brennan's lifetime. It's been quite an adventure. Both with him and my books!;)
I wanted to update people who have been waiting; I don't yet have confirmation on my good news, so I can't share yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I can.
So I'm signing out for the day. I have a daughter to get on the bus, eight miles to run, a monster truck cake to pick up, spaghetti to make, and a rockin' party to host, complete with Dora the Explorer ice cream that can't possibly actually taste good. *rolls eyes*
Happy Birthday to him! I hope all went well with the party :)
I hope the party was great fun. I wah I could have been there. I tried to call about 4 different times and kept getting busy signals. I miss my little buddy! Tell him G'ma sends big hugs and I'll see him in a about a week!
Happy Birthday Brennan!!!
Ohhh, Happy Birthday to Brennan. So sorry to have missed it.
What an excellent name your son has, I should mention. :)
What an excellent name your son has, I should mention. :)
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