I do, however have *drumroll please* pictures of me! (I know, that's what you all wanted *snort*) But I really would like to know what you think! My sister in law, Kati, did my author photos and I've narrowed it down to four. I would love and adore you forever if you would briefly comment and tell me which one you like the best! (I like them all, but, yanno, they're of me, so go figure.:))
Okay, Author Photo Option Number One!

And Number Two!

And Number Three . . .

And last but not least, Number Four.

We really did take a whole bunch of pictures against a bunch of different backgrounds . . . the ones against the light bricks just turned out really good. So, I'm leaning toward numbers three and four . . . but two days ago I was totally on board with One and Two . . . I can't decide. Help! Give me a vote please! (And later, when one of these pics is on the jacket cover you can either grin and tell whoever you're shopping with, "I helped her pick that picture." Or you can shrug and say, "Meh, I liked the other one better." Either way, you'll look cool in front of your friend(s). But you can't look cool if you don't vote!:)
Thanks for your help!
I have to say either One or Three. Four would be great, but I think the shadow on one side of your face detracts from the overall "look." Of course, you're beautiful in all of them! :)
I vote for three. It's a lovely picture and seems both fun and professional.
Hi. I met you quickly at the Whitneys. That was a fun night! I had a camera, but I ended up not taking any pictures. Lame!
I like number 3. It's a good one. They're all good, but I vote for #3
I like one and three. I think you look beautiful in both of them, and they look professional. The lighting is bad on the number four, otherwise it would be nice. How fun!
I like four the best, but I agree with Elizabeth. I think you should go with three.
I'm going to go with picture three.
Number four is great, but number three has more of a professional look to it.
Number three by a mile.
2 is an awkward angle and not as flattering, and 4 is overexposed. 1 is too plain. It looks like a student ID card photo.
Aprilynne, it was so nice to meet you on Saturday! I'm really glad you were able to come.
I really like Number 3. That's my vote. It just seems bookauthorpictureish.
Wow, I think number three is winning by a landslide!! I too think #3 is the most flattering; and it doesn't feel like you're posing for an "author photo"!! Great picture & I think it would look fabulous on the jacket of your books!!
Hands down, number 3. I like that one the best! :*)
Thank you everyone for commenting and voting. I think we're starting to see a clear winner emerge from among the choices. *snort* It always nice to get a second opinion . . . and a third, and fourth, and fifth . . .:)
Thanks Again!!
One or Three! Looks good!
I would pick #3 out of this bunch, but I'd suggest getting another set of shots where you wear something else. Sticking to one outfit for the photos limits the look. And light blue will look white in a b/w print, I think.
Those look great! I agree with Elizabeth on the shadows on number four, though. They're distracting. My favorites are two and three. Number two is fun and unique, and number three is just a nice, level shot. Good luck choosing!
I would definitely say three as well. Number four would be my favorite, but I agree, the shadows do cause a slight problem.
I say #3 by far. But I'd read The Writer's Group (Amy's?) post on author photos if you haven't already. You're going to be wanting to appeal to a wide variety of people.
You look cute as all get out. And your sister-in-law is a really good photographer-- she obviously catches your personality. However I think you really need to consider that your picture will be making a statement about the professionalism of your book even before the public gets very far into your words. These are good but-- and please don't take offense, sis-in-law-- amateur shots. Above average to be sure, but not professional.
I'm with Ammon
Four is my fav, but the shadows don't work, so three.
I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and say number 3.
I thought that immediately, and it was no surprise to see it as the top choice.
Was going to say 3 first, then 1 ... then I saw everyone else said the same thing :)
Without a doubt, photo number 3.
i think three for sure the angle the lighting and all components of that photo is in harmony.
Thanks again everyone for your votes! I promise I will get something more interesting up later today. (I have more news!) And just in case anyone is confused, my SIL is a professional photographer. I did, however catch her on the road as she was coming through where I live (visiting family on a piggyback with a trip where she got flown into San Francisco just to do the pics at someone's wedding) so she didn't have all the things she'd have liked to have there (like an assistant and reflectors, thus the shadows on my face in number four). Scuze the rather ruffled feathers, but just because she is related to me does not mean she is not a great professional photographer. *I* love the photos she took and Harper is actually rather casual about their photos (if you ever get ahold of a Harper catalog you will see several pictures that are simply snapshots, including from their big authors) so the point is that I like them.:)
Thank you everyone for your votes and comments!!
April Maprl Lynne. writers are suposed to look snobby in their pics. you look too friendly. you gotta bitch it up a little bit.
try for one of those looks where you stare into the camera with an intense look, like youre revealing all your emotions at once, with a touch of elitist superiorty and you'll have the ideal alluring pose that screams, hey everyone, I hae something to say, and you're gonna know it soon. with the look in those pics, you look you're about to sell taffy apples.
But . . . but . . . but I am selling taffy apples. *sniff* ;)
number 3!!! definitely!
I like them in this order, 3, 2, and 1. I do not like #4 because I can't see your eyes, you're squinting from the sun, and there's that plaque to explain.
#3 is serene but has an air of mystery. #2 is pixiesh, if you need that. #1 is sweet.
It was so nice to meet your DH at the Whitneys. You were off somewhere chatting with the big time authors. Ha!
I vote for 1 or 3. Your blog is great and very informative!
Congrats on your success!
Kathy Carbonneau
ps- I've known you for a number of years and have never seen you "bitch it up" I'm not sure you have it in you ...which is a good thing :)
Waaaay late to the party, but #3 gets my vote. Simply beautiful.
Way late to the party also but definitely #3.
I'm trying to figure out the appropriate author photo also and there's apparently not much guidance out there.
Good luck with your book!
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