Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What a Day!

Wow. I have had such a perfect day.


Of course, the main reason is that my movie deal has been just ESPLODING! But also, Wednesday is Bookscan day and I had better numbers than I was anticipating. Yay! It is also birthday week in the Pike house and my husband's birthday was Monday and my son's birthday is tomorrow. That means much cake and ice cream was sitting around my house today. (Notice the "was" part.:D) And then, I found out this afternoon that after dropping off the NYT Bestsellers list last week, Wings jumped back on this week! (And this is before the movie announcement; go Wings go!) Also, I reached an all time low Amazon ranking of 736 this afternoon. I'd never even been in three figures before! I gave a pretty good shout the hour I hit three figures.:) Then I went to my favorite class at my new gym and soaked in the hot tub when I was done.

Perfect. Day.

And a day I have been looking forward to for a long time. Since January. No really.

You ready for the story? Here it is.

At the end of January, I got an email from my agent letting me know that my film agent had given Wings to Miley Cyrus' agent and Miley's agent thought it was perfect for her, and was going to give it to Miley. There was much squeeing, and also reminding myself that this was SO far from a done deal. But it was fun to think of the possibilities.

Then, about a month later, Jodi emails me to let me know that Miley's Mom loved Wings, and was now going to give it to Miley. Well, that was definitely a step in the right direction as well.

Fast forward two months. To May first. Like, four days before my book comes out. I'm packing for tour and really haven't given the whole Miley thing another thought. Hollywood does this. They get all excited about something and then . . . . nothing. They are infamous for that. I figured it was a dead end and, well, that was okay. Jodi calls and tells me, seriously, like in one breath, Mileylovedthebookandwantstobeattachedandtheproducersoftwilightalsowanttogetattached andtheyaremeetingforlunchtoday.

WHAT?!?!? My dead end just turned into a six-lane freeway!!!! So I leave on tour with hopes of hearing something Any. Day.

Fast forward another month. I am sitting watching the amazingness that is WICKED. Intermission comes, I dry my eyes (good theatre always makes me cry) and go out to the lobby and check my mail. Jodi again (I LOVE my agent!!) letting me know that the attachments are official and that Wings has gone out to every major studio in Hollywood. Whoa!!! I love how these things come out of the blue.

So then, like when books go out on submission, you hope for a fast sale, but knowing you have to be realistic, you hunker down for a long wait.

Four days later I am leaving on tour for San Francisco and Jodi emails me. I read the email as I am walking down the concourse to my place. She says that Disney is preparing an offer and that she should have it in the next day or two.

People, I walked onto the wrong plane.

I kid you not! I almost went to Kalispell, Monatana. I was in my seat with my seat belt fastened before anyone realized I was in the wrong place. TSA=FTW.

So I jittered through the next 48 hours until two competing offers landed on Jodi's desk on Friday, June 5th. Negotiations went on all day and there were many phone calls from Jodi. Finally, at almost seven that night, Disney basically said, "That's our final offer, take it or leave it, you have ten minutes." (Apparently that's how a lot of movie deals end. *shrug*) I got the final call in the car on the way to my first event with Claudia Gray, Kim Harrison, and Kelley Armstrong for Supernatural Summer. That was a good day too!

Okay, so now the nitty gritty:

1.) Disney has OPTIONED the movie rights. This means that we are still several steps away from actually having a movie. At the moment my producers (who are AMAZING!) are looking for someone to write the script. They have spent much of the last month reading writing samples. After that there are about twenty steps to go through before the director (ha! One of those steps is finding a director!) says, "Action." At ANY point along the way, the whole project could just be dropped. So although I have done my share of screaming and yelling over this, it's not a movie yet, and may not ever be. But I have some very excited producers and, apparently, that is a big step in the right direction.

2.) My producers are contracted; they have their own in writing agreement with Disney to produce the film. My talent, Miley, is "attached." That is a very fluid agreement. What that basically means is those of you with your hearts set on Miley, don't get too attached to her just yet. It might not happen. And those of you who are violently opposed, *shrug* it might not happen. But it might!!

3.) Please don't hate Miley. No really. I am an author. The most important thing about Wings for me is, the book, Wings. The biggest advantage of any movie based on my book, in my opinion, is that it is basically a two-hour long advertisement for my book. It gets the title out there! It alerts people that my book exists! Even movies that completely flop (and let's face it guys, no movie with Miley Cyrus in it is going to flop) raise the number of reader who go out and read that book and its sequels. That is important to me. So aside from any appearance/acting/whatever that you feel that Miley may or may not bring to the cast of Wings, she brings her fans. I want all those Miley fans out there to know about Wings, to give Wings a read. And there are a lot of Miley fans out there. And yes, most of them are tween girls. But, um, last time I checked, I write for tween girls!! My adult fans are some seriously awesome icing on the cake, but in the end, I am most happy to put a smile on a teenage girl's face.:)

And really, Laurel is a 5'2 lithe, cute girl who plays the guitar and sings. Miley is a 5'2 lithe, cute girl who plays the guitar and sings. I honestly think she could bring a lot to this movie, and I am really excited to have her onboard.

4.) I have gotten a lot, a LOT of emails wondering about casting and auditions. I have absolutely zero control over those decisions. No, less than zero. I have negative 4.25 control over those decisions.:) If there is any kind of open casting call for extras, I will let you know, but I don't believe that is standard procedure for Disney. So sorry! But that just isn't something I have control over.

But all in all, I am thrilled with Disney, I am thrilled with Wyck and Marty and Amanda, and I gotta tell you, I am thrilled with Miley.

I'm just all around thrilled!!

Linky-linky: A couple of highlights of the day: (as in People Magazine, whoo-hoo!), and a really good article on (they actually did some research and were one of the only sites all day who spelled Wyck's name correctly.)

And I just died laughing at the comments thread on Oh No They Didn't, but as the language on the whole site is not teen appropriate, you'll have to look that one up on your own if you want to read it.:)



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the movie deal! And only like two months after the book was released! That's a job done well.
I'm not a big Miley Cyrus fan (or any Disney Channel star for that matter) but I'm sure she'll be great in the part.
-Devin Michelle

Tales of Whimsy said...

A. Congrats again!
B. I love this run-down-break-down you did. Thank you.
C. While I don't like Miley (and she's not what I would have pictured) you're point is absolutely correct. It's an amazing opportunity for your book that will bring tons of readership.
D. I think Disney is totally going to run with this. You just wait and see!
E. Congrats again!


Oh I think Miley is great! Once I heard the news, I picked out all the similarities between Miley and Laurel...she had a HUGE fan base, and she's the perfect age!

I hope it all works out! Who else could do an amazing job with a faerytale than Disney!?

Shattered said...

First I have to say you wrote an utterly amazing book! I work overnight at WalMart and happened across it a few nights ago. I have been greedily, non-stop reading it ever since [including while I'm supposed to be working =X haha]. And even better news arrives as I'm researching the author! Congratulations on the movie deal! I am eagerly excited to see the movie no matter who plays the part of Laurel!

Kudos again and again. I seriously cannot wait to read more of your work. XOXO KrisLynn

Tyhitia Green said...

Congratulations again, Aprilynne! :-D Did you read my other two comments on your last post? ;-)

Carbonneau said...

As I was reading the comments you have been getting on different sites I was wondering what your opinion was about all of the Miley haters out there. :) So glad to see your opinion, and I love the connection you made with Laurel and Miley. Good point! Glad to see how thrilled you are and your thoughts of the movie being advertisement, Disney will do great! I hope they make it for you!

David L. McAfee said...

I think having Miley Cyrus in the movie would be a great thing. OK, she's not my personal favorite name in Hollywood, but she's still a HUGE, HUGE star, and that's going to bring in moviegoers and yes, spread the word about your book. It's win-win.

OMG, Aprilynne, I'm so happy for you I can barely stand it! You've gotta keep me posted on how this develops. :)

Heather said...

I am so happy for you! This is absolutely monumental! And don't worry, I don't think Hollywood will sit on it long. Why would they? You have the perfect combination, a NY Times Bestselling novel, Disney, and Miley Cirus?! Sweet!

Unknown said...

YAY Jodi! All of this Jodi talk is making me wish I was back at Writers House for a third summer - it must be very exciting on the third floor with all of this movie news!!

Mim said...

Just wanted to congratulate you on all of your success. Wings was a fun book to read. I'm sure the movie will be fun too.

Libby said...

I think that Miley Cyrus is not perfect for the role of Laurel. Laurel has blonde hair for starters, but that's not the reason Miley should not portray her. Laurel is a faerie. And Faeries are graceful, petite, and pale-like. Miley Cyrus is none of those. As for my pick, I would choose Evanna Lynch aka Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter Movies/Books. All the while, as I was reading Wings I pictured Evanna as Laurel in my mind. She is a much better girl for the role because she's small, and she is already a vegetarian so she would be able to get into the role more easily since she has to play a vegan. She just gives off a more faerie-like essence rather than Miley Cyrus.

This is not to say that I don't like Miley, I just don't see her as Laurel. Perhaps Chelsea would be a better role for her.
aside from my 15 and half year old opinion.
Mrs. Pike, Wings is the best romance/fantasty book I have read in a long time. Far better than Twilight! I am recommending it to all of my friends. Trust me, I know my books, I've read about 150+. You are an amazing writer and I am also an aspiring writer myself, although I get sidetracked and stuck in ruts too often.

Please pardon the length of my comment,
thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to update your fans of everything!
~Libby S.

Dara said...

Wow! It's still so amazing to see this! Even if Miley isn't the actress I pictured, I definitely can see how many of her fans she'll bring to Wings.

Congrats again on the movie deal!

Mother in Zion said...

Congratulations! You're an inspiration to aspiring authors everywhere. This is waay awesome.

Marcia Mickelson said...

Yay. That is some exciting news. Thanks for sharing all the details with us. I'm so happy for you. And, who doesn't love Miley? I love Miley.

Tommy said...

How fun! ElmaBree just sent me here (from She loves your perspective, which I"ll discover soon enough... In the meantime I like Taminie's finding the good in others. I have a column called "Wings" on, named for the lift I like to give others.

Nice to see I have family out there... :^)

J.R. Johansson said...

So great Aprilynne! I'm so seriously excited for you! Eeeekkk!! :D :) :D Hooray!

KasandraG said...

I TOTALLY agree that Evanna Lynch would be PERFECT for the role of Laurel!! I'm so glad she mentioned it! I looked her up and she already looks like a fairy! I think she'd be awesome. I wonder how we'd suggest it to Disney...

Patti said...

Great story and break down of how it happened. Miley will be perfect for the role. Hope everything runs smoothly and we're seeing all of the characters you created on the big screen soon.

elesa said...

I am so, so happy for you. Boy, how do you even handle excitement like that? I'm screaming for you too!

Anonymous said...

That is so totally amazing about the Disney option and Miley!!! It doesn't, however, surprise me because that's just how you are! Way to be. Go WINGS go!!!
Lana Borgholthaus

Amber Lynae said...

That is very exciting. You are very right about Miley bringing her own fans to the picture.

Tara McClendon said...

How awesome for you! Thanks for sharing the process and for giving everyone an adult look at what a movie can do for your book rather than the other way around.

Lauralee Beth Torchia Provenzo said...

Hello. I just made my way onto your site. Hoping you'd like to come check out mine :) Have a lovely day. Er, well, guess you already did. Thanks, see ya.

Anonymous said...

In case you didn't know they mentioned wings on "The soup" saying that miley would play laurel. O.o =]

Brooke Marsh (: said...

I know I'm supposed to be leaving a comment about your blog but I wanted to let you know what I thought about your book and I didn't really know how else to let you know:

Yesterday, when I was supposed to be school clothes shopping, I sneaked into Barnes&Noble.
Though that is a regular thing for me, I was trying to prove to family that I wouldn't buy another book.
I was only looking and I'm not really familiar with bookstores like Barnes&Noble because in my small town the closest thing we have is extremely small, but I happened to find your book.
I was debating what book I wanted and really just glanced over yours,sorry, and then placed it on the shelf. But for some reason I decided that I would just grab a random book and see if I liked it.
I read your book in one day :) Though that isn't unusual for me because I'm a fast reader but your book certainly had me hooked.
I really just wanted you to know that. Mainly because I chose your book at random and I was impressed with myself that I had chose such a great book.
I can't wait for the sequel.

Anonymous said...

I read the book in a day, fast for me and I loved it... then I read it was going to be a film I was super excited... then I read Miley Cyrus was going to be the lead and I'm going to hate the film now. Miley has no talent, she doesnt fit the role because she doesn't look anything how I imagined Laurel and she is quite selfish... I say this because it's true. I think it would be perfect if some new talent was found for this film because then people wouldn't judge her on her past performances. After I found out Miley might be the lead, all my excitement for this film went. I'm a media student and I can see that picking Miley would be the wrong choice if you want to please the readers of this totally awesome book.... Much love xxx

Chelsea said...

Kevin wouldn't go with me to Hannah Montana, so I've never seen one of her shows. But I saw her once on Jay Leno, and once you mentioned her name, I could TOTALLY imagine her as Laurel. She's the perfect everyday-beautiful that I imagined Laurel to be. It will be fun to see who they cast as David and... sigh... Tamani. :)

Anonymous said...

I just finished Wings, and I just had to come over an tell you how much I loved it! Honestly, I thought this book just wasn't for me and had avoided fairy books like the plague in the past, but this totally changed my mind, just like Twilight changed my mind about vampires. I can't wait to purchase the next book in this series and go out and see the movie. (I'll grit my teeth and bear Miley Cyrus' acting.) You rock Aprilynne!

us said...

You go girl! My kids are thrilled. I have the coolest cousin ever!!!

Lee said...

I have to say I only come to this site to find out if or when the next book would be released. But when a found out that 'Wings' might be a movie I went on what I call my "OMGTHISISSOTOTLALYAWESOME! High".
I'm so happy for you! I hadn't even thought of it becoming a movie until the series were over.
Anyway I hope the movie deal becomes a done deal!:)

Anonymous said...

I have very mixed opinions on this. First off, I'd like to say congrats. Its a great accomplishment to write a novel that is so well liked that it is wanted to become a movie. Personally, I really dislike Miley. I think that she is talentless and a very bad role model for young children. While she does share some similarities with Laurel, I agree with the poster who suggested the actress that plays Luna Lovegood; she really does give off a more ethereal prescence than Miley. My biggest fear for you is that the movie is going to flop. honestly, I dont think that Disney has produced a decent movie in ages. Who knows though, maybe this will be their turn about. but Im not so sure that I want to see the movie now, if there is one. It's a shame too, because the book was just so darn wonderful.
Regardless, I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

I love love your book after hearing it about it on a gossip website. I have to agree with you- Miley being tied on to this book brings interest- i was definatly interested- and i can't wait for the movie:]

Anonymous said...

I love your book. I almost didn't read it but I am so happy I did! I just heard it was going to be a movie and at first was thrilled! But then I saw that miley cyrus has lead role and almost started crying. I'm kind of disappointed that it's just will be an advirtisment instead of a the real story I just don't see her as Laurel. I really don't like her because she has been overexposed in the media and I'm sick of her. I almost douted keeping up with the movie and the books knowing her face will be plastered on them now! But If it has to be her in the role I will accept it and because of your work in the book I'm tempted to see it. No matter what I love you and the book! Good luck!

Dutley said...

Congratulations. Just to be Optioned is exciting.

Writer 421 said...


I am SO excited for you...but Miley?

To the person who posted about Evanna: I completely agree! Evanna has they faerie, kind of easy-going beautiful that I imagined Laurel as. However, so does Dakota Fanning :D. I was (to my knowledge) the first person who commented on Dakota being a good Laurel, and now people are saying that to, squee! I guess we agree! The only problem with Evanna is that people would think of her as Luna, not Laurel.

Aprilynne, please, DON'T LET MILEY GET THIS PART!!!
And Disney? Someone said they haven't produced a decent movie in ages, and they haven't. Can't you reject this deal?!

maria m said...

CONGRATULATIONS ! On the movie deal. I really loved your book and can't wait on the movie and on the second book Spells. I don't think its a great idea that they picked Miley Cyrus to play Laurel. I don't think that she can rally play her ( laurel) right.

Anonymous said...


Miley...I can see it. I definitely don't hate her, and she has kind of an earthy, natural beauty that I can see Laurel having. :D

LiveLaughLoveLacrosse said...

My friend has an agent who put in her resume in and she's auditioning for an extra :D i am SO psyched for her AND for the movie
My main issue with miley is simply that that her hair is extremely dark and the main character has almost transparent blonde hair. Miley is extremely tan and Laurel is supposed to have very fair looking skin. Their appearances don't seem to match, but you never know what a lot of makeup and styler can do, so i'll leave that judgement until I actually see her in costume.
Other than that, I am ECSTATIC for you. You and your book deserve this 100% of the way. I hope this deal follows through to the end, and I, along with all your other fans, will be supporting you the whole way.

Libby said...

Miley and Dakota Fanning have had over exposure, and too much of that will cause people to NOT want to see the movie. I am truly excited about all of this, but Miley is a huge disappointment to me.

RitaSon said...

I am so late but congratz I had no idea! Miley would be awesome as Laurel I like the comparison you made it is totally on. I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the movie deal!!
I LOVE your books!!! I got so excited about the movie! But then I read that Miley Cirus was going to be Laurel xP That ruins the movie for me, but I will ALWAYS love the books!!! I personally think Juno Temple would be the best Laurel every and shes a natural blonde, just sayin. . . . . . .