Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Whoa . . . .

I think every author, at least at the beginning, kind of, sort of thinks that this whole getting your book published thing has got to be a huge practical joke. Especially before you see anything tangible. We're just waiting for someone to go "PSYCH!!!!" and yank the proverbial rug out from underneath us.

I've had a lot of moments like that. In fact, when Jodi offered to represent me, I was at the gym grinning like an idiot, when all of the sudden it hit me. ANYONE could have made an email address and put "Jodi Reamer" as the sender!!! I seriously got SO paranoid that I cut my workout short and ran home to make sure that the email address I had received the email from was the same email address listed on Writers House's website. So yeah . . .um . . .I'm kinda paranoid.

However, everything about WINGS has been a dream come true. So all along my journey I have been looking for little signs that it is real. The ARCs were the first real, tangible sign. Real books! Surely someone wasn't sending these to me as a joke. Then things like pre-pub tour where OTHER people had my ARC. Well, they can't ALL be in on it, right??

Even seeing my book on the shelves was not quite good enough to convince me. After all, the only bookstores I had seen it at were local. That was still within the realm of possibility for practical joking. So going on tour and seeing it in other cities? Well, surely THAT meant it was real.

My credulity was strained last week when Tara and Jodi told me I had debuted on the NYT Bestsellers list. But they sent me the PDF of the list, and that Saturday it came out on the actual New York Times website. The New York Times certainly would not waste their good reputation helping out on the most eleborate practical joke ever. Surely . . .

Then the jokers went to0 far. Never believe something when it's too good to be true, I always say. So when Tara and Jodi called me this week to announce that WINGS was the number one New York Times Bestseller, I just KNEW it really was a joke. The whole darn thing. Because that was way, way, way to good to be true. They repeated three times that it really was true, and they sent me the PDF and I stared at it for about ten minutes.

But it was simply one step too far. It was too good to be true.

I actually did kind of go into shock (my father was a bit worried about me on the phone because I sounded so weird.) And after I finally came out of the numbness, I was--I kid you not--absolutely paralyzed by this overwhelming fear that, no, really, this whole publishing a book thing really WAS the biggest practical joke ever, and if I told anyone my new good news, everyone was just going to laugh harder at me.

My husband had no such qualms; he told everyone! But my stomach literally ached at the thought of telling anyone. ANYONE! I made Kenny tell his mother for me, and I managed to talk to my sister when she called, but I kind of just choked a couple of words out.

It took me two hours to finally emerge from that paralyzing fear and face the reality that, no, no one would actually play a hoax on me that was that big, that immense!

So it must be true!!

Wings must actually be the number ONE New York Times Bestselling Children's chapter book!!


About six hours after the initial call, it's finally starting to sink in! Never in even my wildest dreams, did I think my debut novel could reach number one. I honestly don't know how it happened. But somehow, it did!!!!

And all I can do--well, other than babble incoherently--is say thank you. Thank you to EVERYONE! To my agent for loving my writing even before it had matured, to my editor for taking a chance on a new author with a very strange idea about faeries, to my publicist who makes my events go so smoothly, my marketing team who have spread the word like nobody's business!! My blog readers who are the best word of mouth spreaders EVER! My readers. All of them. Even though most of them don't read this blog. Wow! Thank you all! You have made a dream I didn't even dare to dream, come true.

Thank you.



Toni Gallagher said...


I have to admit that I haven't read your book YET but it is now a priority to buy for my two girls.

Congratulations from way over here on the other side of the world. We have heard of you. Will be buying your book and wish you all the best for the next one and the next one after that.

Well done and keep writing.

Toni Gallagher
Melbourne, Australia :)

Karissa Chen said...

wow, aprilynne, that is absolutely amazing. congratulations!!!! you're living out every author's dream :)

JKB said...

Congrats from the bottom of my heart, my dear. I knew it would happen.

XOXO From Germany,...

Mim said...

Congratulations! That is so incredible. The beginning of an awesome career!


moonrat said...

but... but... will you still sign my copy at BEA? or will the line be waaaaay too long now?

congratulations, many many times!

Kathleen MacIver said...


And here, I was thinking of you last night, and considering dropping you an email with a quick question, since one of your blog posts says you like to help out aspiring authors. (No, it's not a read-my-MS question.)

But now that you're a #1 seller, and your starting your book tour, I can't imagine that you'd have time! Boy is your life going to be busy!

Well... congratulations and God bless!

Amber Lynae said...

That is so exciting. I can understand your hesitance to accept your good fortune. When life seems too good to be true, it is hard to believe. But lucky for you it is an absolute dream come true. Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your #1 NYT spot after only 2 weeks!

Carbonneau said...

CONGRATS! We are SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Dreams clearly DO COME TRUE! Enjoy!!!!

Desert Rose said...

CONGRATS.. I better check your book :)

Lenore Appelhans said...

What a dream come true! So happy for you :) Enjoyed the treats I won from you by the way!

leslie mae said...

CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!! Party it up, you've earned it!!

Tracy Loewer said...

Wow, that's so amazing! It's a pretty awesome way to start your career!

Unknown said...

Cheers April! You deserve it!

Dara said...

Simply awesome! :) It deserves it--and I know I'm anxiously awaiting the rest of the series.

J.R. Johansson said...

Congrats April! :D I'm still jumping around the room with you! :D

Yamile said...

Oh! Congratulations! I finished Wings yesterday while on the 1st grade field trip to Dinosaur Park. I even got a ride with another mom so I could read and finish it on my way there. I told everyone I know about it. As all things fairy, I loved it. That Tamani ... and David. My heart is sure getting crowded with Edward and Jacob already there.
Kathleen said now you're gonna be super busy, and I had wanted to invite you to my neighborhood book club. I know now you won't be able to (even though it's only Utah County), but all the same, we'll read it and support you. Enjoy this! How wonderful!!!!

Miranda said...

Ok I am in shock for you too!!!!!! But so not suprised. The book is sooo good, and I am now reading it to my girls. Congrats sweetie!

Jewel Allen said...

WOW. Aprilynne. WOW.


Ronald L. Smith said...

Yes, yes, that's all well and good, But don't you see?


You shall soon wake up.

Mary said...

What a thrilling and fabulous moment!


Patti said...

That is totally awesome, congatulations. You are a great inspiration to all of us.

Becky D. said...

Can't say I'm too surprised. ;-) I knew your book would make it there when I read it in January. It was really just a matter of time.


Is it okay that I'm screaming and jumping and smiling right along with you?


C. Michelle Jefferies said...

Wow #1! Amazing!

I'm a late comer and come to your blog via James Dashner. But I started reading just as your book was coming out.

As a fellow writer you are an inspiration to me I keep coming back to read of your sucess to gear me up for my day of writing and editing.

Congratulations! Hope to get your book soon.

Frankie Diane Mallis said...

Wow that's amazing news! Congratulations, how exciting!

JP said...

Yay!! We're so excited for you! You and the book both deserve it. Congratulations!

Sheryl said...

I'm reading it now... about halfway through. Nice job! And congrats!

Melanie Hooyenga said...


I find your blog from Pink Ink and just reading this got me all choked up. So wonderful. :)

(I'm melaniehoo from AW)

Anonymous said...

I told my reading teacher about the book and its,um,ranking, and went nuts saying she was gonna buy it and you had to come to the school all sorts of crazy stuff.

You deserve it April. We love you!

Love Micaela

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

you deserve it April!

ORION said...

And I throw a virtual lei over to you from sunny Hawaii!!!!!
I am WAY TOO THRILLED for you!!!!!

much aloha!

Jessie Oliveros said...

I've been out of the country and my copy of Wings is sitting at the post office. This post brought tears to my eyes, and I don't even know you. I am sooooooo excited for you. That is just amazing. Okay, I'm going to the post office today.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! That is so awesome! It was good to talk to you at Conduit. I look forward to reading my brand spanking new, signed copy of Wings.

Unknown said...

So the next time we hang out, I'll have actually read WINGS, and I'll have you sign it. In the meantime, props for all you've accomplished!

Anonymous said...

Hi, i am one of your big fans of Wings.
i want to say that your book is OMG, AMAZING!!!! im writing to because i want to praise you and your writing skills which are absulotly amazing because what you wrote was terrific. i want to tell you that your book should of got one of those golden medals aon it because a story like that deservesit. i also want to tell you that i am only 12 and that was the most intresting books that i ever read. the reason why i read your book was because when i was at the bookstore i saw the book right there and it looked very intresting and i'll tell you that book was worth the pay because i didn't let go of that book and i'm a big book worm because you always see me with a new book like every weekend.
this book was my tv it let me watch the chapters in my head. it eas so intresting that i even got my three of my friends intrested. Aprilynne... wow i got no words to tell you that you are a good writer no a wonderful writer!!! Well what i mean is that you have a wonderful mind because you wrot such an amazing story and your inspiation is great beacse only a good stoyteller gets there inpiration to write and tell stories come from inspiration that is true and magnificent.

shannantess said...

I work at Barnes & Noble in Temecula and I read Wings a week ago. I am a big Teen Fiction fan reader and I have been recommending your book. I loved it. It's the first faerie novel I have ever read. It was fantastic and very different. You should be so very proud. I look forward to reading more from you. Congratulations!

Au Revoir!