Sunday, August 02, 2009

I Am SO Far Behind . . .

So, I always write during the summers. Have for the last three years (because my husband is amazing and wonderful!) This summer I knew I was going to be getting a late start because, um, well, my book came out in May.:D

And my husband graduated law school.

And we moved out of state.

And I spent about six weeks touring.

But hey! I write fast and we figured that we would be able to make up the time in the second half of the summer and just push into September. It would be just fine.

However, after three weeks without their mom (because my family moved before I was done touring) the children--my then one-year-old-son especially--were a little traumatized. And since family comes before work, and we were taking a family vacation in two weeks anyway, we decided to wait for me to start writing till we got back from the vacation and just spend those two weeks having family time. So we got back from our family vacation at the end of June and I got to work!

Except that I got invited to come do four days of WesterCon over July 4th weekend . . . Aw, it's only four days. Got that done and back to work!

Except for, yanno, my, my husband's and my son's birthdays.

Oh, and Kenny went to go present a keynote response speech for a Law and Educators conference in Portland, Maine for four days.

Well, and ten days ago my husband's parents found out on Tuesday night that they had to be out of their house that they have lived in for eleven years with nine children the following Wednesday and be ready to move to Utah. That didn't disrupt our schedule at all. (It's a good thing! Not a disaster; it just happened very fast!)

So here I am on August second, when I expected to be no less that 50-60 thousand words into my draft--or possibly even done--and I am sitting at 27,000 words, and my children start school in one week. Go me . . . .

*laugh* Now, I am one of those people who like to work really far ahead of my deadlines, so don't think I am *technically* behind, because I'm not. Just behind compared to where I had hoped to be, and mostly it's because my life exploded this summer. In all good ways!

However, with this last week before school starts, and nothing (and I mean nothing) on the schedule, I am basically going into my office every morning at ten, and no one is seeing me again until four.:D (Honey, you've been warned.:)) And during that time, I hope to write about 15,000 words, catch up on two DebTours, catch up on Myspace, and return the ten or so emails that are still waiting for me in my inbox.

It's going to be a big week! Wish me luck!



Tana said...

Wow your word count goals, blow me away. Godspeed ;)

moonrat said...

ha! at this rate, you should just become an editor!! this is the kind of schedule we're always operating on.

good luck :)


Good luck! I'll say a prayer for you and your family!

You can do it!!

molly said...

Good Luck!

Amber Lynae said...

I'm glad your summer has been a happy one. And I hope your week is productive.

Patti said...

Nothing is better than family. Your kids probably loved your time with them. I'm sure you'll be caught up in no time.

Dara said...

Good luck! I'm sure you'll be able to do it! Of course you'll have to let us know how far you got word count wise too :)

Tyhitia Green said...

Take care of yourself, and get to writing! :-)

Deborah Talmadge said...

You sound just like all the other mother writers I know. Funny how school is a blessing.

ChristyLou said...

I just wanted to tell you that I LOVED Wings! I just finished it (after about 5 hours of binge reading) and I can't wait for more!! I'm also soooo happy that you have a blog. I'm going to enjoy it while I can, because I would imagine that you won't be quite so available to us fans for long. (I see another Stephanie Meyer in the making). But I'll take what I can get, as is obvious since I'm on blogger instead of doing my RS minutes!! I wish you the very best of luck and you've just made yourself a new fan today!!

Lauren said...

Good luck.