Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Long Time No Blog!

Okay, so, I admit, it's been a while. Every year when release time comes around I promise myself I'll do better at blogging. I'll post pictures of my tour stops! I'll talk about feedback from fans! I'll give quotes from the book!

What really happens is that I have spotty internet, I forget to take pictures at all, and quotes, what quotes? And, on top of that, I usually get a round of revisions and find myself under deadline.:D

But you all still love me, right? Right?

Well, I have lots of fun stuff today and I'll be finishing up with a giveaway! So read until the bottom.:D

So I've been a little closed-mouthed about the books (yes, bookS) I have coming out next summer, but everything has been announced and now I can tell you about them!!!!

First off, LIFE AFTER THEFT. This is a stand-alone that many of you have been literally hearing about since 2006. No seriously. I started this book in 2006 and it was a finalist on Miss Snark's Crap-O-Meter just before I signed with Jodi. People, this is the book of my heart. It is the story of a klepto-ghost and the boy who can see her and is a retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel. It is sassy and sarcastic and I seriously Love. This. Book. It will be coming out in May of 2013 and I hope you all love it half as much as I do!! I got to see a cover comp a couple weeks ago and it is so entirely perfect!!!! (Which is fabulous because authors rarely have much, if any, say on their covers even though it is the one thing that reader will sometimes judge the book on.) SO excited for this book!!!!

The other book is the first book of my new series and it just got announced last week, which was so very exciting!!! Because I'm still trying to come up with how to describe it, I'll just quote right from the announcement: "#1 NYT bestselling author Aprilynne Pike's EARTHBOUND, the first novel in a new series about a girl who discovers she's a fallen goddess and must choose between the boy that she loves in this life and the eternal lover with whom she'll be able to access the powers that are her birthright." So yay!!!! This one has much kissing and magic and danger, and running away, also kissing.:D (Seriously, one of my edits literally said, "How about we add a full-on make out session here." Oh, yes.:D) I got to see an early comp from this book just yesterday and ZOMG I am SO excited!!!! It is fabulously gorgeous and I hope it keeps it's awesomeosity (yes, that's totally a word) as it goes through the process from comp to final!!!!

So yeah, two books next summer and, tentatively, two books the summer after that too!!!

Okay, giveaway time. I went to BEA very briefly last week and because I was traveling, I didn't have room to pick up very many ARCs. But I did manage to get one of the last copies of Maggie Stiefvater's The Raven Boys!! I know this ARC has been fairly high in demand this year, so as an apology for my INEXCUSABLE blog silence, I'm going to pass this one onto you guys!

Super easy rules, this contest is going to last a week since I suspect *koffkoff* some of you are not checking my blog very often since there has been no new content in ages. (I sowwy!!!!!) So comment and just say something like, "Uh, I'm, entering the contest." Super easy.:D This is an international contest, all are free to enter. Comment by midnight my time Monday, June 11th (JUNE 18th!  I meant June 18th!) and I'll announce the winner sometime next Tuesday. Sound good?


Go forth and enter.



BooksOverTv said...

I would LOVE to go to BEA next year. Great contest!

Sara (of the Page Sage) said...

Your new books sound AMAZING! I can't wait to read them (: (And it's really exciting that it's a retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Love that book.)

BooksOverTv said...
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Diana said...

Waaaiit. Comment by June 11th? But the post is dated June 12th! My time machine is on loan to a friend! I'm super excited for your new books, April! And thank you for the giveaway!

Momo (Books Over Boys) said...

I loooove Maggie Stiefvater's books! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

booksoverboys at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the contest!

Isabelle G. said...

Ok! you must have wanted to say june 18! lol! so, i'm in! I'd like to read Maggie's book! Thanks!!! Kiss!

Bwyatt said...

Well, I may have missed the deadline, but I'm super excited about The Raven Boys, and I'm totally planning on hitting up BEA next year... hopefully the funds will be available. Blogger power must be initiated. :)
Also, so excited to hear about your two new endevors and cannot wait to read them!

lostnthestacks said...

I'd like to enter the contest for RAVEN BOYS! Thanks!


Unknown said...

So jealous. Wish I had been able to go to BEA.
Anyway, enter me!

Cordelia said...

Entering the contest!!!!!!!! Keep doing the fantastic work!! (=

carpenyx said...

2 books! Awesome! I'd like to enter the contest :)

Emily said...

oh, this whole post makes me happy. Consider me entered!

linda_michelle_ said...

Entering the contest!

Love Maggie Stiefvater's books and Im looking forward to reading this one and I dont know if i can wait until September :p

Sara B. Larson said...

So exciting that you have 2 new books coming out! I'd love to win The Raven Boys, I've heard amazing stuff about it. And glad you had fun at BEA!

Mindee Arnett said...

If it's not too late to enter, I would love to win this ARC. And both of your new books sound fabulous. Can't wait!

Blaire R. said...

Entering the contest!

Karen Goins said...

I would love to win a copy of The Raven Boys. I am anxious to get my hands on your new books next year. Thanks for the updates

Delilah (Del) said...

So excited to hear you are writing another series!!! Also, can't wait to get my hands on Maggie's new title!!! I'm in!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Entering the contest!
--Amy in Atlanta

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Entering Contest - have to type this again because the last one somehow gave me problems... so here we go. Excited about your new books coming out, love hearing about the raven boys! and am currently about 1/2 way through with Destined, and loving every moment of it!

mysakuraflower said...

Uh, I'm, entering the contest.


April Sousa said...

Entering contest... Love your new book! excited about the other books! yay!

Anonymous said...

Hi! These news are so exciting!! I can't wait for your next book to come out in MAY! YAY! thanks again for signing Kelly and I our books. I have to say that I loved Destined! although the ending was bittersweet...

Sherrill said...

The Goddess story sounds exciting...cannot wait to read both books. Thank you for sharing your writing talents with us. BTW im entering the contest.

Jessica F said...

Hi! These news are so exciting!! I can't wait for your next book to come out in MAY! YAY! thanks again for signing Kelly and I our books. I have to say that I loved Destined! although the ending was bittersweet...

Erica said...

Super excited for new books, new series sounds awesome. Still planning on meeting up with you next month to get my Wings books autographed. XD

Enter me in the contest as well, please and thank you!!! <3

And yes, my URL for facebook is OMGIHavewings (because, well, I do!)

Vivien said...

YAY!!! So exciting :)

Enter me of course!

Becky said...

Entering the contest.
I love, love, love your books. Tamani is like the most perfect guy in the world, only Patrick Verona, Conrad Fisher, Jess Mariano can even compare!

Acrilia said...

How can I enter a contest that ends June 11th when you posted this on June 12th? :D
You probably meant June 18th which also happens to be my birthday so I'm hoping to win an extra birthday present by entering this awesome giveaway ;)

Kim @ A Dutchie on Books said...

I'd like to enter this giveaway! Thanks for holding this contest :)

Theresa said...

I am entering the contest!

Unknown said...

You know, my birthday is May 14. AND, I adore the Scarlet Pimpernel. Methinks your book will be the prefect birthday present for me. *starts hinting to friends and family*

Also, The Raven Boys sounds... intense.

summer said...

I would love to be entered in the contest!!! Love your books by the way!

SarahJ said...

I'm so excited to see what else you've had up your sleeves!

And I want in on the contest!

Karin Perry said...

I'd love to be entered for the contest!!! Thanks for being so generous!


Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in the contest! I love to read and I also love your books, I loved how Destined ended. Thank you for such a great giveaway.


Jessica Ring said...

How exciting! Two awesome new books from you next year!

I would love the enter the contest!

Cassandra said...

I would love to be entered into the contest! I LOVE your books! I'm so excited to read more from you!

Renee M said...

I would like to enter in the Contest!!!

And a Laurel Birth Ring prop too! XD

McKinlee Burkhardt said...

I would like to enter in The Raven boys book contest!! :)

McKinlee Burkhardt said...

I would like to enter in The Raven boys book contest!! :)

Lori Greeson said...

Hi I would like to enter into the contest. I have read all of your books and Maggie's. She is an awesome writer. I can't wait for Raven Boys! And your new book too.

Dawn Didion said...

I would like to enter "The Raven Boys" Book contest! :-)

I love your books! I can never seem to put them down. I read "Wings", "Spells", & "Illusions" each in a single day. I have just recieved "Destined" and can't wait to start it. I look forward to the release of your new books in May.

J said...

I'm entering your Raven Boys contest :) And I still subscribe to your blog!!

Jessica @ Books: A true story said...

I would love to win Raven boys!! :)

Riv Re said...

squeeing so hard! You're amazing, Aprilynne! So excited for next summer!

Thanks for the contest. I'm slowly dying inside, waiting for The Raven Boys...

Leslie G. said...

I would like to be entered into the contest. Raven Boys looks like it will be a great book.

poodlefan said...

So pumped your next books!! They sound so good!! Also am REALLY looking forward to Ms Stiefvater's next books!! Love YA fiction so much!!!

The Howard Family said...

The books sound amazing!!!! I will defiantly be reading all of your books that are to come!!! Thanks for the fun giveaway!!!

Danielle Willis said...

Your one of my favorite authors EVER!!! I would to love to enter your contest! :)

Lori T. said...

Welcome back, Aprilynne! And thank you for the amazing new book news. Cannot wait for TWO new books from you next summer!! Please enter me in THE RAVEN BOYS contest. I'm beyond excited for this book and would absolutely LOVE to read it. THANK YOU <3

Birgitte Stage said...

I would love to enter, but I do believe that my timemachine is being fixed right now! Put if it's just a mistake that you wrote the 11th, then please do enter me (:

Breanna C said...

Enter me in the contest PLEASE!!!!!!

Gabi said...

I LOVE international contest \o/ Not that i've win someone, of course


ashleighfry92 said...

I'm entering your contest :) I'm also really excited to read your new books! Bring them out now!

Unknown said...

Oh WOW! :D So excited for the next books! Next summer can not come fast enough! ^_^ Just wanted to also mention I LOVE the Wings series. Great books! :D Also, if the contest is still going on I would like to be entered!

barmybex said...

Awesome - I am definitely entering! Really want to read this, I love Meggie's books.

I bought 'Destined' last week- can't wait to get stuck in. :D

Jane Speare said...

I'm so happy that you're writing new books!!! I just finished Destined the other day in one sitting, and i think it ended perfectly!! And of course, I am a huge fan of Maggie Stevwhatshername and The Raven Boys is on the top of my to-read list. So, like I'm entering the contest now? :)

I follow your blog via Goodreads! ;)

Καλή μέρα!


Melissa said...

I'm sooo excited about all the books! My daughter will also be so pleased you have more books coming out, she is reading Destined at the moment.

I LOVE Maggie Stiefvater, she is such a talented human being, so would love to get hold of an ARC of Raven Boys. I saw the book trailer she did yesterday, and she leaves me in awe of her talent!


Rosalie Flynn said...

Well hi there, this is me entering the contest. Love you!

MrsHastings said...

Very excited for your books and the giveaway!!!!

Amy Alice said...

Entering the contest!

Sally said...

You are awesome for making it international! I am totally entering BECAUSE FOR ONCE I CAN.

Cassandra Bloom said...

I am entering!!

throuthehaze said...

Thank you for the awesome giveaway!!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

E.P. Lyn said...

Aprillynne, You are so amazing, I never comment on things like this, but, this time I am, because i wanted to tell you how much you inspire me! You probably hear this all the time, but I Write fantasy books too, and I've been sending them out every chance I get. one day I hope you'll pick them up and read them. Thank you so much for your amazing stories, and such vivid characters, Say hi to them from me, and thank them for telling you their story, so that you could tell it to all of us. Thank you! Happy Writing!

Anonymous said...

Hi I WOULD LOVEEEE to enter the contest. Your books sound so amazing especially the second one. Can't wait until they come out. I just read Destined stayed up till 3am to finish. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

E.P. Lyn said...

I wouldn't mind being entered in the contest either, You are both amazing authors! I've read every book either of you have written!

Anonymous said...

Entering giveaway... can't wait for next summer.

-Megan P.

Breanne said...

Entering :)


FAITH said...

Yes please enter me in the giveaway, I love her (and of course your's as well) books.

Anonymous said...

For no one to be reading your blog you have a lot of comments!! :oD

I am adding my entry!

Sandi said...

I'm definitely in on the contest! Glad to hear you're excited about your writing.

Enna P. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Can't wait til your new series! :)

Enna P. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Can't wait til your new series! :)

Enna P. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Can't wait til your new series! :)

Enna P. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Can't wait til your new series! :)

e said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Can't wait til your new series! :)

Enna P. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Can't wait til your new series! :)

Enna P. said...


donnas said...

Please include me.

Thanks for the chance!!!

Ariell Larson said...

Count me in. I love free books. :)

Punya said...

I'm entering the contest. I want to read The Raven Boys so badly.

Grace said...

I would like to enter this contest! :D
Thanks. And your new books sound so exciting! I can't wait. I loved how the wings series ended. It was bittersweet, but that just made the series so much better in my opinion.

Erica JD said...

I'm entering!!!

Jess said...

Can't wait can't wait for the 2 books!!! i'm so excited!!!! Love you Aprilynne! <3

Anonymous said...

New books! That's so exciting!!! Can't wait!

And thou shall be participating in thy contest :D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Issy said...

I was lucky enough to go to BEA, so don't enter me in the contest! But sending you hugs! (I'm so excited and excited for you about Life After Theft and Earthbound! And so, so, so happy that you finally get to publish the "book of your heart"-- I know that this doesn't always happen and am so glad that it wasn't shelved forever!)

Linda Holt said...

I can't wait to read your new books. I really love your Wings series!
-and since I'm leaving you a comment, I might as well enter your contest. Sign me up!
Linda from Norway

Michelle @ The Writing Hufflepuff said...

I can't wait for the books to come out! (: I'm entering the contest ^^

Ellen said...

I'm really thrilled about your new books because I really loved the Wings series. And by the way: I'm entering the contest :)

Unknown said...

I am entering the contest. I can't wait for the new books, I'm so excited!!

christinashoe said...

OHMYGOODNESS I AM SO EXCITED FOR NEXT YEAR NOW. The one that's the retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel? It sounds TOTALLY FANTASTIC~
And I can't wait to see the covers! >.<
Anyways, even though I've never read The Raven Boys, I guess I'll enter the giveaway XD

Thank you for your books and this blog post! :D

rachelglenn said...

This is me...entering the contest. :P Thanks!

Kayla Prada said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway I would love to get my hands on The Raven Boys! Also Earthbound sounds awesome! I cant wait til next summer now!

Karin said...

Entering the contest. :0) Can't wait for your two new books. They sound SO AMAZING. Hope to hear more about them soon.

Anonymous said...

A chance to win the Raven Boys!! OMG OMG OMG please count me in!

kristina shields said...

OMG!! SOOO want this book! thx for the giveaway!

Tianna said...

Yes! I'm super super excited for your new books! You. Are. Amazing! :) Thank you thank you thank you! :) And I am entering this contest :)

Monica said...

I'm entering in the contest! Can't wait for your new books and I hope to see you in Huntington Beach next month!!!

Anonymous said...

Entering the contest!!!:D

Holly R said...

Yay for books; entering the contest! Loved your last series and am excited for the next.
-holly from AZ

Unknown said...

AW MAN I'M ENTERING!! I wonder if you remember meeting two start-struck sisters in barnes and noble of west jordan? we discussed the possiblity of you writing a spinoff to wings involving mermaids? :D :D :D :D :D You lead me to believe laurel would pick david... :P you naughty author, you! ;) anyway! CANNOT wait for TWO MORE BOOKS! BAH! Love you Aprilynne! <3 :D

Anonymous said...

Awww man!!! Awww MAN!! I forgive you! An ARC of The Raven Boys totally makes up for blog silence. Please enter me into that contest!

June Everdeen said...

I cannot wait for EARTHBOUND!!!
Also, uh, I'm, entering the contest. :)

Rhiannon Rudick said...

I'm entering! Lol I can't wait for the next 2 books <3 I so love Destined!!!! There should be a movie for The Wings Series! Can I be Laural lol? C:

Rhiannon Rudick said...

Laurel* dumb spellcheck lol xD

Tayler Clements said...

Love that you've blogged again!! I've been checking the blog daily for updates on, well, anything!! And a contest? For a Maggie Stiefvater book? On a new series?? Count me in puh-lease?! And I love that you'll be writing a new series, I'd hate to say good-bye to your amazing talents!!

honey bunches of oats said...

I am excited for your new book. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest

Robyn said...

The new books sound great!! So much snogging! Hahaha I do love a love triangle!! I'd also love to enter the comp please ! :)

Unknown said...

I'm entering the contest :D
soooo excited about the new books!

Lori said...

I'm so excited for Life after Theft! We need more good ghostie books to offset all the vampires and whatnot... And I'm entering the contest :)

Lauren said...

I'd like to enter the contest. Thank you!

Alison Lan said...

Oh my goddess ;) Earthbound sounds soooo good!!! I can't wait to read it!!!!!! :) So excited!! <3
And plz enter me in the contest. :)

Michelle @ Much Loved Books said...

Congrats on Earthbound, and like all your previous books I can't wait to read it :)

Thank you for the chance to win The Raven Boys :D

Annabelle Marie Veronica said...

I always miss you so much when you don't blog! They're fascinating.

**~{KARiSXox.}~** said...

Firstly I'm uh entering the contest
Secondly yay!!! Welcome back and congrats about the new books!!!!

Ally Coke said...

Hi! I'm just entering for the contest. And I'm excited you blogged again! I checked just cause I like to stalk authors (I check on yours daily ahaha. I loved Destined by the way!) So yay! Can't wait for the new books! Next summer??? :( Well, bye! BLOG MORE.

June G said...

Thanks for your generosity in offering the book. I hope I win! And welcome back!

Unknown said...

Both of those sound GREAT! I can't wait! I wish I could make it to SLC, I'd get to see YOU and Veronica Roth!

Tracey Feeger said...

Ohhhhh me likey competitions so am happy to enter please. Am a new fan - only just started reading Wings.

thanks heaps

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to your next books. I love to enter the contest for Maggie Stiefvater 's "Raven Boys"! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

First, I cannot wait for your books next year! They sound amazing. Also, thank you for the oppurtunity to read something of Maggie Stiefvater's! Oh, and I'm entering the contest.

Karen Adair said...

Love. Love. Love and um...LOVE! Enter...enter...enter...enter...*presses ENTER button with enthusiasm* Congrats on your new books. SO EXCITED here. :)

Shannon said...

Uh, I'm, entering the contest.

^lol But seriously, thanks for the giveaway and for writing the Wings series!

Yes we still love you haha how could you ever think otherwise? ;P I can't wait to read your new books! :D I absolutely adored the Wings series. So yeah... :)

Oh I have a question. For your book, EARTHBOUND, is it going to be based on an existing mythology (like Greek mythology) or are you creating a whole new mythology? Or is my question completely irrelevant?

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Kim said...

I'd like to enter the contest!

alilouise said...

hay i want to be laurel. they realy are great books and their makeing a movie now

alilouise said...

i want to enter. love your books so much it cost me a week of detentions for reading during class. ps i have never had a detention before

Katrina said...

I'm so excited to hear about your two books next summer! I'm also excited about The Raven Boys, so please consider me entered!

No1 fan said...

i'm entering the competition. ilove your books so much aprilynne. The wings series will never be forgoten ohhh please make a movie.Your future books look amazing can't wait ahhhh. i love international comps

Anonymous said...

Entering the contest! Thanks for the chance!!
~Jacqueline @(^_^)@

Lynn K. said...

I would like to be entered for the contest please! ;)

Twitter: @kuro_rin01

Veertje said...

I"m entering

Chelsie Bischoff said...

im entered... :) freakin stoked!

sari said...

Please enter me in the contest!

thegeekinside (at) yahoo (dot) com

Also, I read Destined and thought it was a FABULOUS end to the series. Exactly perfect and just how I would have wanted it to end, had I thought it all out myself. SO GOOD! So thank you. :-)

Emily Jane said...

entering in the contest!

and i am so excited for new books! i was worried what the heck i would read when wings was over, but its ok now (:

Allison M. said...

Love your blog and your books! Please enter me in your contest.

J.R. Johansson said...

Welcome back! I'm SO excited about your new series! Can't wait to see the covers!

Merchant said...


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how to ace the interview said...

nice post

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Anonymous said...

liked and agreed

Unknown said...

Your new book sounds awesome and i really cannot wait to read it. I know Jodi is your agent and I have been unable to find her email to send her a query letter. I was wondering do you know of a place where I can find her email and not her assistants? Or is she closed for submissions? thanks for caring. I know everyone has been in my position once themselves. Research, Research, Research.

Daniel said...

Hi Aprilynne

I just finished "Destined" wow is all I can say what an awesome ending to an awesome series. I do not regret coming across this series at all--all four books were great and very hard to put down!

Daniel said...

The "Wings" series has been one of the best I have read--I am so glad I came across the series. Wow, what an ending in "Destined" to an awesome series!

hs said...

OMG. Not ONE, but TWO books coming out next summer from one of my favorite authors? AWESOME!!!

@eccaetchings said...

Sounds very exciting, Aprilynne! I can't wait to see and read them!

Unknown said...

I know the feeling, blogging can be very time consuming but worth it in the end :)

dallas home inspector said...

lSEThis brings me back to when I did a remodel on my tiny bathroom...it's amazing how small things make a huge difference...