So here you go!!!

Yay!!! Man this cover makes me so happy!!!!!
But wait a second, you may be saying. This cover doesn't look quite like it belongs with my other books.
Well, you're right. As the Harper design team was putting this cover together they kept saying that it just worked out so much better to have the title off-set and the image zoomed in more. But . . . well, it doesn't quite match the others that way. Then someone (someone brilliant and amazing) suggested that maybe the whole series could benefit from a bit of a make-over. A more grown-up look, perhaps. And so my special surprise is that the whole series is getting a very slightly tweaked look that I think is totally gorgeous. Not so altered that those who already have the series will feel like their first two look funny, but a little spiffing up!:D
So here is the newly redesigned Wings series!! (Click for bigger;))

(Note that these aren't quite the final designs--the Illusions cover in this group has extra text and repeats the blurb from Spells, the covers for Wings and Spells will also change a bit before printing)
But anyway, the new covers will come out on the Spells paperback on May 3, 2011 (same day Illusions comes out!) and whenever the paperback of Wings goes back to print you will see the new covers on there too.
I also wanted to share the jacket copy (the stuff that goes on the inside flap) but be aware that it is rather spoilery, especially if you haven't read the second book.
You have been warned!!!:D
"I don't do patrols, I don't go hunting, I just stick close to you. You live your life, I'll keep you safe," Tamani said, sweeping a lock of hair from her face. "Or die trying."
Laurel hasn't seen Tamani since she begged him to let her go last year. Though her heart still aches, Laurel is confident that David was the right choice.
But just as life returns to normal, Laurel realizes that a hidden enemy lies in wait. Once again, Laurel must turn to Tamani to protect and guide her, for the danger that now threatens Avalon is one that no faerie thought would ever be possible. And for the first time, Laurel cannot be sure that her side will prevail.
Thank you guys so much for doing this puzzle piece hunt with me! I hope you had as much fun as I did and once Jen and Espe have all the entries we'll be announcing winners!
Oh, and what you won!:D (It's been a busy week.;) But it'll be awesome!)
I cannot wait! Cover looks gorgeous! =))
Oh they are SO pretty! I just love your covers so much!
Oooh the cover is gorgeous! :D And AIEEE at the jacket flap! Ugh, I can't wait! (although I'm still 100% Team Tamani!!)
ABSOLUTELY *ADORE* the new look for the series AND the cover of ILLUSIONS,
OMG seriously, it's just so beautiful!
I think I might have to buy again the first two books, they look so pretty! (not that they didn't before of course)
and OH I CAN'T WAIT to read Illusions, who is this new enemy? D:
and men, she's already back with Tamani ): I knew it wouldn't last long, but still hopeful about David haha (:
It's sooo pretty!! :)
The new covers are still taking some getting used to, but they're pretty awesome, not gonna lie.
The cover for ILLUSIONS has, by far, blown my expectations. I don't know why, but for some reason, I always imagined that it would be something blue-ish.
The reimagined covers look great, individually and as a set. Your designers deserve many high fives, hugs, and boxes of chocolate. (or maybe cans of Sprite)
So awesome. I can not wait to read the next installment. I will have to put all this excitement in a box and seal it until May. Beautiful new covers!
Absolutely GORGEOUS. Yum. Congratulations!
Oh man, I wish I had waited to get the new covers. I know I still CAN but I wouldn't give up the signed 1st of Wings ever. I've been waiting to see what Illusions looked like and I love the new look all around.
AND since you finally put a piece of the copy up, I will tell you that one of my favorite lines in Illusions is said by Tamani. <3 <3
I don't really like the Illusions cover, but it's not bad, just not as nice as other two I guess, and when you put all 3 together they are kind of matchy and nice. :D I still think Wings has the best cover here!
Ooo gorgified revamping of the whole series. LOVE! Congrats!
Now I feel like my oldie (or original) covers for Wings & Spells are collector's items. :)
O...M...G!!!! I am SOSOSOSO EXCITED!! I'm seriously going crazy right now!!!! They look AWESOME!!! I'm trying my best not to scream!! AAAAH! SO HAPPY right now!!!
We (my and my girls) can't wait for the newest book to come out! The covers look great!
That is a beautiful cover!! Now I'm even more excited. Can't wait to read it :D
I love them, I just loved the font they used on Wings and Spells! But it is still totally beautiful!
Oh Aprilynne wow, they are so gorgeous!! I'm almost sad I already own the other two (not really since I love them) because I love the new covers! Amazing!
Gorgeous cover :D !!! I just can't wait to read it !
The redesigned covers look pimpin'! :)) Sorry I had to use this word :D
Ekk! That is the cover I got!
I LOVE it!! I can't wait to read it!!!
Oh my GOD! I cannot wait for this to come out. I die just thinking about what will happen. My birthdat is on the 26th of May, and this book comes out on the 3rd, my mom says either I buy the book myself, or i have to wait a few weeks to read it! I don't usually buy books, but this is totally worth it!!!!! Now I just have to learn to stop spending my $$$ on iTunes.
the cover looks awesome! and i read the spoiler alert... i really want the second book but i cant find it in the library.. :( I'm still going to look for it in the bookstores though... BTW, al the cover looks in sync :) all the watery effect is just nice :) can't wait for Illusions to come out!
All the Best!
I so can't wait to read Illusions! I love the quote from Tamani! With him saying things like that, How can you not be for team Tamani?! :)
The covers are wonderful! I don't own any of the books in the series...which means that I have to decide which covers to buy when I finally get a chance to own them. :) All of the covers old and new are amazing!
Beautiful! I can't wait to read it.
Lovelovelovelove. Especially the revamp of Wings and Spells, because now the color differences in the title text is more noticeable. I felt like I was the only one who noticed that the titles was printed more red than pink.
I have now composed a song consisting of: may 3rd may 3rd may 3rd!!!!! LALALALALA!! HAPPY!! JOY!!
THe cover is absoutely amazing! I must call all of my reading buddies!!
Those look great! Contrats on getting your third book out!
The covers are fantastic. I'm loving the reworked look. Congrats and the best of luck with book number 3 - Lucky number 3!
I really love it. I think it tells a story all on it's own. It can have so many meanings.
Ahh! Reading the Jacket makes me want to read it even more!
covers are awesome! I didn't enter this contest because if your "not tech savvy" I'm completely debilitated. Well, there's always next time! :)
Love the cover! I found all of the puzzle pieces, but I gave up on trying to put it together. The winner will be well deserved of the gifts :)
i just wanted you to know that i love your books. i devoured wings and spells in the two days. i couldn't stop reading. you are wonderfully talented at creating a story that is both magical and relatable. thank you for creating such an amazing series!! <3
oh and also i can't wait to read the new book with the beautiful cover! (:
I love it! I think it looks great with your other covers. The change represents the metamorphosis of the series in a way!
Awesome cover! Congratulations.
May 3rd is soooo far away. :(
The cover is gorgeous, though!
Absolutely beautiful cover...s. You must have been a very good girl to have the cover art gods smile upon you so.
Congrats, big time.
Oh My LANTA! The cover is just amazing!!!! TEAM TAMANI <3!!!! She so has to end up with him! I finished Spells in the middle of biology class (Ha) and slamed the book on the table in fustration (of course everyone looked at me) but SHE DIDNT END UP WITH TAMANI! OH SHE JUST HAS TOO!!
NIce!! Congrats, Aprilynne. How exciting!! Can't wait until May to read:)Keep 'em coming girl.
Aprilynne!!! You must be soooo excited about your new cover.Everyone at our house LOVES IT! We are really happy for you and your family. :)
The new cover is absolutly AMAZING!! I just cant wait to read illusions the inside cover spoiler absolutly made it even harder to wait!
for some reason my last post was anonymous so hopefully this will fix it
Amazing! I'm excited!
This is seriously gorgeous!!! I adore!! Looks like I know what I'm getting for the holidays! All your books!
Love the new cover!!!!!!!!... but I have to say that I really really not happy with Lauren....... :'(
It's beautiful (: The covers for the whole series are gorgeous!!
I can't wait to read this one! The cover is awesome!
First of all congradulations on wings being made into a movie! I love the book. You have some great talent. I wish I could be in it but i heard that disney is spnsoring it s its going to be a hit even if miley cyrus is in it. You should seriously reconsider that since she is now known as the worst influence on kids since brittny spears and your book will forever be known as just another scam produced ti get her face out there so she can be another bad influence on the young audience. Tons of kids wont be seeing it just cause shes in it. You have good talent dont let her rune your chances at being the next harry potter serise just because your letting someone who is so bad they fired her of disney because parents wouldnt let there children whatch her show. Youll lose your audience and respect. But dont take my word for it let your work be destroyed!
illusions will be AWESOME
OMG! I love the cover. I just finished Spells literaly 10 minutes ago and I'm already craving for more, which is why I'm on this blog. Aaaaahhh. My heart feels broken for Tamani. I love him. He has been so loyal and showed his undying love to Laurel. I cannot believe that she chose David. Not to say that he isn't a nice guy, but Tamani and Laurel have a spark together that I don't feel when she is with David. =) Plus, what future will she have with David, she can't even have babies with him. I truly hope that she ends up with Tamani, he has suffered and still acts like a gentleman to Laurel. Aaahhh, i'm going crazy just thinking about what the third book holds. I hope the third book is double the size of the first two so that I can stay in their world for a little while longer than a day and a half...haha.
OMG! I just finished Spells literaly 10 minutes ago and I'm already craving for more, which is why I'm on this blog. Aaaaahhh. My heart feels broken for Tamani. I love him. He has been so loyal and showed his undying love to Laurel. I cannot believe that she chose David. Not to say that he isn't a nice guy, but Tamani and Laurel have a spark together that I don't feel when she is with David. =) Plus, what future will she have with David, she can't even have babies with him. I truly hope that she ends up with Tamani, he has suffered and still acts like a gentleman to Laurel. Aaahhh, i'm going crazy just thinking about what the third book holds. I hope the third book is double the size of the first two so that I can stay in their world for a little while longer than a day and a half...haha.
Team Tamani All The Way I wish I could be Loural <3
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