First off, a bit of news for all you aspiring authors, my lovely friend, Mandy Hubbard (author of Prada and Prejudice) is officially an agent!! After training for about six months under Jenny Bent (you guys know her? You should! I imagine a bunch of you have queried her. Heck, I think I got rejected by her twice. She's awesome!) Mandy is teaming up with Bob Diforio (I have a rejection from him too:)) as a brand new agent! Here's her PW announcement:
"Mandy Hubbard, a YA author (Prada and Prejudice) and agent, is joining D4EO Literary Agency as an agent concentrating on YA and middle grade fiction. She can be reached at"
Mandy has spent the last few weeks communication directly with editors at all the big New York houses introducing herself and getting a feel for their individual tastes, etc. and she is really ready to go! So if you are looking for a hungry new agent with a great reputation as a person (:D) you may want to try Mandy. She is, as of last week, officially accepting queries.
Secondly, the incredible and fabulous Mundie Moms just turned one! And, of course, I was there to celebrate with them.:D Check out my post and browse their site while you're there. An amazing group of women with fabulous taste who have been so supportive of Wings right from the get-go. Thanks Katie!!!!
Okay, are you ready to watch my head explode from awesomeness? A few weeks ago my book released in Italy. Well, part of their promotional push was making a Facebook fanpage for David Lawson complete with an app you can install to get messages from David!!! As if that weren't enough, a band called Yavanna teamed up with "David" and put on a show this past weekend and went back and forth between singing and reading passages from MY BOOK!!! *insert fainting here* So I was totally stoked about that.
And then I saw pictures.

Oh. My. Gosh! The leaves! The cover! The huge projection screen!!!!!!

That is a big freaking picture of me up there!!! (Admittedly this picture was a little nerve-wracking.)

I was just blown away! And there are a couple more pictures in the Facebook album. It was so surreal, especially knowing that all of this was happening in Italy, and in Italian. Whoa.
So I will be blogging again tomorrow and have a fun little video helping me illustrate why you shouldn't worry about someone writing "your idea." Till then!
ETA: Also someone posted some video. :)
How exciting!!! And thanks for the heads up on the new agent. Hungry is good:)
That is a gorgeous picture!! ;D
*I love faeries! ;D
Exciting news. And I'm looking forward to tomorrows post.
This is awesome! I've read about Mandy's path to pub before, and it really seems like she'd be a great agent for people!
(Not for me, I've got my Miracle Worker but still...)
I think I would fall over cringing if I had a picture of myself THAT HUGE. lol!
SUPER cool :)
This is fabulous! I love the Facebook fan page idea, can't wait!
hi :)
i am writing to an author for my school for English and well...i picked you :)
is there somewhere i can send it to or e-mail it?
thanks :)
if you have time you can get back to me at my email
thanks :D
That must be so exciting for you!!!
Hi everybody!
Yavanna were just superb! they perfectly correspond to the fairy atmosphere of the situation!!
just listen to some of their cover:
they are fantastic, i really hope that you are going to be famous for your book "wings", and maybe if there is going to be a movie from it, they can do the soundtrack!!=)
I get very down and filled with jealousy when I see the artistic ability of some people.
I don't have any at all !
OOHH I do envy them!
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