Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Suck.

It's been almost two weeks. I apologize. My husband is in bar prep. Six nights a week. Plus studying and homework most of the day. That leaves me with my children . . . . ALONE!!! :D

Nah, it's really not that bad, it just means I have very little spare time and what I have has been going into keeping the house on the verge of being squalor. So we do not live in squalor!!! . . . quite.:)

So I am going to steal a page out of James Dashner's blog-book, since he is the world's laziest man (hehe, wuv you!) , and just give you a random list of ten things. Ready? Go!

1.) My mother made me a nightgown. It is gorgeous! It is dark purple and goes from shoulder to just touching the ground. And it has sleeves so that I can get up and walk around in the morning without getting dressed and still be decent since . . . .

2.) My brother-in-law and his wife are moving in with us this week. Yay!! I love having people living with us! I get to cook for more people! But I don't have to change their diapers! It's almost better than having a new baby!! Almost . . .

3.) Spells arcs are starting to be circulated!! They were all over the place at ALA Midwinter this last weekend and so reviews should shortly follow. I am scared. And excited. But mostly scared.

4.) However, to buoy my confidence a little, I got a wonderful, incredible, fabulous blurb from the newly minted NYT Bestselling author Carrie Jones, of the killer pixie novels Need and Captivate!! And because I am super mean and also want to show off my new Spells page of my website, I am going to make you click and scroll in order to read it.:)

5.) My kids are undergoing some rather intense academic testing. I worry for them! But hopefully this will put them in the same school and on the same schedule next year. *crosses fingers*

6.) I found a dark chocolate bar with lavender and blueberries. So full of WIN!

7.)My gym decided to give in and start Zumba classes. I am a happy girl.

8.) I got a P.O. Box. I feel all professional and special now.:D Now I just need to get my business cards printed (with the P.O. Box on them!!) so people will stop looking at me like I am an under prepared amateur when they ask for a card and I don't have any. *puts business cards on the to-do list*

9.) I'm out of wheat. In Utah you can get bulk white wheat at Wal-mart . . . or pretty much anywhere else. (You can probably get it at the corner gas station :)) Here? Not so much. I made my last five loaves of bread today (that's a normal batch) and I expect it to last less than a week, especially with my two new move-ins. I better start doing some research.

10.) I got a new van over Christmas. Did I mention that? It was because our other van died--we didn't actually want to get a new car till the Spring--but I love it and every time I drive it I feel like a spoiled brat. Also, the doors open and close when I push a button on my keychain and my two youngest kids are convinced they open when they yell "OPEN!" at them.:D

And that's me!!



Yamile said...

You don't suck! And I like the listed updates. I do that on my blog all the time.
What brand is that dark chocolate with blueberries and lavender?
A couple of years ago I went to Lavender days south of Springville, and I fell in love with all things lavender.
Enjoy your ride!

kah said...

LOL. I had to read a post titled I SUCK, and I'm glad I did. I love that your kids think the van doors open at their command. That's priceless. Have fun at Zumba! I heart that class.

Anonymous said...

Totally classic! Loved the title, loved the blog, loved the idea of chocolate with lavender and blueberries. How exotic! I have doors on both sides of my 12 passenger van, but my kids don't yell for them to open...they yell at other people to close them...HARD. It is what it is, and you are a great Mom!!!! Keep up the great work and enjoy your house guests. Been there and done that three times myself. :)

Unknown said...

Life gets busy sometimes :) Especially a Wonder Woman like you! It's good to know you ARE human :)
I am excited for Spells! I can't wait!

Debbie Barr said...

We still like you, even if you haven't blogged in awhile.

I'm going to start making home-made home-ground whole wheat bread soon, and was wondering if you have shared/will share your recipe? If it's a family secret, and you'd have to kill me if you told me, I'd understand. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't be scared! Carrie Jones is right - I also got to read an arc of Spells, and it was fantastic. There is no way your fans are going to be anything other than absolutely delighted and itching to get their hands on book three!!

-- Rebecca D.

Kenny said...

Awww, when did James dethrone me as the laziest man alive? If only I weren't so lazy, I'd do something about it right this minute.

Don't let Aprilynne fool you, folks. I live a life of indolence and sloth. d^_~b

Unknown said...

I also would love to know what brand that chocolate bar is. :)

Laura said...

Regarding #10: I also have a van that has doors that open when I push buttons on my keychain. It is seriously the best thing I have purchased since becoming a mom 5-1/2 years ago. All moms should have such a feature on their cars!

Anonymous said...

i love carrie jones and you! her books are amaxing just like yours

Jewel Allen said...

5 loaves of bread is a normal batch?? That's impressive. Lucky neighbors(and family).

Tina Lynn said...


You DO NOT suck.

There are momentary setbacks, but for seriously, you are pure awesomeness:)

Tamara Hart Heiner said...

you're awesome! I love these updates. I'm so excited for you and your book. And I love having people live with use so I can make extra food too! That candy sounds divine! Good luck!!!

Jessie Oliveros said...

I loved the excerpt on your web page...my favorite part..that he's hoping she'll ask. I'm so impressed that you make your own bread...and that you are excited for people to live with you. That would stress me out. Good luck to your husband on the bar.

JP said...

We are also very glad that you don't need to be changing our diapers!

lotusgirl said...

Gotta love those automatic doors. Kudos to you for using that wheat. Mine's just waiting around for something to happen. I should get an electric grinder. I'm never going to use that hand one unless I'm actually starving to death.

Sarah Ahiers said...

That chocolate bar sounds delicious!!

Emma said...

I totally understand how family can keep you busy! And you definitely do not suck! You keep yourself organized- unlike me-and I'm so glad you get company! Keep blogging! I love to read from you!

Unknown said...

Love the list! So looking forward to Spells! No advice on how I can get my hands on one of those ARC's is there? :)

Kari Pike said...

The Mesa cannery usually allows you to purchase 25 lb. bags, up to 200 pounds in one purchase. I know it's kind of far, but maybe you can find someone to trade turns going out there.
you are an amazing woman, Aprilynne Pike...and a great wife and mom. the chocolate sounds good.

Dara said...

I cannot wait until May and the release of Spells. I'll be at the bookstore the day it comes out!

Monster of Books said...

A new van :) How nice, I'm still trying to convince my mom to buy me a car lol.

Unknown said...

How does The Graham get an ARC to review?!?!?!?!

Katie said...

You are amazing! I'm totally looking forward to coming and getting some yummy waffles this summer! LOL YAY for the ARCs. We're totally looking forward to doing a review. The covers are beautiful! You far from suck. I don't know how you do it all *bows to your greatness*
-Katie :)

Laura said...

I don't think you suck- but that is a great attention grabbing title. Someone should write a book called that.

Yay for new vans, nightgowns, chocolate and guests.

As for reviews, take a deep breath. You know what they say- even a bad review is good advertisement. The very best have taken hard hits. Besides, I doubt they'll give you your own performance review, "I suck" ;)

I can't wait to read Spells!

C. Michelle Jefferies said...

Last time I checked you could order wheat and all sorts of things at the Honeyville Farms website and the shipping was really cheap.
You don't suck your a busy mom. :)

The Novelist said...

All you have to say is kids and everyone will understand! They should always come first!

I am so excited for your next book to come out. I loved Wings so much that I had wished it were about 300 pages longer. When it ended I knew I needed more! (trying to give a compliment here)

Anyway, keep up the good work and don't worry about us. We will always check back for more!

Valerie Ipson said...

You did suck us in with that blog title. You know that, right?

I love that your mom-in-law commented with actual useful information of where to get wheat. It's so like a MIL (or Mom).--Hi, Kari!

And I gotta agree with the van doors that open at the push of a button. Did moms finally start designing cars or what? It makes me happy EVERY time I use it.

Sanya Ali said...

Im writing a book and would love your comments on my ideas. visit my blog and leave a comment to guide me:

Nikki said...

As far as wheat goes, our stake has days each ward takes to go to the cannery. Sometimes you can find out who is going and give them the money to pick up the wheat for you.

The1stdaughter said...

I am so in the same boat! My hubby is prepping for his Bar exam in February and I will be so happy when it's all over. Don't get me wrong, I love the time with our two little ones, but I miss my hubby! And his sanity. All in due time I guess! Can't wait to read your next book! Good luck with everything and tell your hubby good luck!

Grammy Suzzy said...

Hello...it's your snoopy inlaw. I saw your comment about making your own bread. Do you have a recipe you would be willing to share...when you get a chance...I know you are very busy, so not right away...thank you so much! deesuz@q.com...Suzzy Rice