"I can't just storm in and proclaim my intentions. I cant 'steal' you away. I just have to wait and hope that, someday, you'll ask," Tamani said.
"And if I don't?" Laurel said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Then I guess I'll be waiting forever."
Although Laurel has come to accept her true identity as a faerie, she refuses to turn her back on her human life--and especially her boyfriend David--to return to the fae world.
But when she is summoned to Avalon, Laurel's feeling for the charismatic faerie sentry Tamani are undeniable. She is forced to make a choice--a choice that could break her heart.
Yay! I love the quote they picked!
In other news of awesomeness, Wings has been selected as one of five nominees for Best YA Paranormal/Fantasy Novel of 2009! I am in the excellent company of The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong, Tempted by P.C. and Kristin Cast, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, and Shadowland by Alyson Noel! You can download the PDF of all the nominees in all categories here! Lots of lovely books in there!
And something I think is cool--though you may not :)--is that Wings is being released in large print in January! As someone who has awful eyes, that makes me happy.:D
Also, my German cover has come up on Amazon!!! I think it is SO beautiful and I am so pleased to share!!

*lesigh* The German edition is expected to hit shelves in March! I'm expecting my friend Jen to take a pic for me. *koffkoff* ;)
Later this week I will take a break from Wings stuff and will be doing a large, picture-filled candy making entry.
You've been warned.:D
Congratulations on the nomination and that is a great book jacket, can't wait to read Spells.
Wow, so far I like all the covers I've seen. I think I might actually read it in Catalan (I used to speak it but fell out of practice a few years back).
Stay up there on top of the world, Aprilynne!!!
You are so cruel! Hurry up, April! I need some more Tamani!!!
Congratulations!! And that's an awesome German cover! I must say, I like that more than the U.S. cover. Can't wait for spells!!! ;D
Thanks for the teaser, and I love the German cover! Wow!
Ooo, that jacket copy is horrible—in a totally awesome way! I think my heart just broke a little, and I haven't even read it! Ack! Poor David! Poor Tamani! Poor Laurel! Ack ack ack.
woohoo! Love the cover..and congrats on the nomination. Very cool!
Congrats! Awesome nomination and beautiful German cover. Great things happening for you. How exciting.
I am still blown away by how big this continues to get. A billboard? A German cover? What could be cooler? I am so, so happy for you.
So awesome! Have I mentioned what a fabulous time I'm having living vicariously through you?
Congratulations on your nomination, and that German cover is GORGEOUS!
What a beautiful cover! What a year it's been for you Aprilynne. Congrats!
Beautiful cover! Congrats on the entry, too.
Beautiful! The nomination is so exciting!
Oh I love that! You wrote the 2nd book exactly like I had hoped you would!! Yes! I so love Tamani!
The German cover is so wonderful. Nice job.
i just wanna say tht i love your book wings. i actually heard about it from a girl on another books fanstie gallagheracademy.ning.com when she recomended it, so i figured since we both like the gallagher girls book i figured i should read and i am glad i did. this is the first time i have been on your site and i heard about the sequel to wings, spells so now i am happy!
p.s i love tamani, its just something about him tht i love!!
I LOVE THE GERMAN COVER!!! Good work on the nomination. Cant wait to read Spells!!
P.S. i luv tamani
The German edition is gorgeous! I congratulate you on all your great books! Are you going to keep more coming to us?? If so, WHOOPEE! I cannot wait.
OMG! I can't wait to read Spells! EEK! That jacket is perfect!!!! I am so intrigued!
German cover is GORGEOUS!!!!!!! Wish it was the UK cover!
That's a breathtaking cover! But as others have said, I've liked all the covers for all the foreign books.
Really looking forward to the release of Spells :)
I just wanted to say that I LOVE your book Wings! and I'm so picky about books too. Thank you so much for putting it into the world! :)
And I can not wait until Spells!
I love the cover of spells! great! the german cover is nice! but i still like more the u.s cover. :) I want may to come!!
That is so awesome! I love the jacket cover quote. Congratulations on the awesome nomination. The German cover is beautiful!!
Gorgeous cover. You are lucky with your publisher. I knew a guy who briefed his cover artist about a medieval fantasy book and it all went wrong. The author said he wanted a barrow, as in a burial mound. You are probably already screaming 'they didn't draw a wheelbarrow'.... but they did.
OH MY WORD I only JUST finished you're book and already I feel an obsession coming on...
Russian Wings cover
woww That is one awesome book cover :P can't wait for spells
I loooooved Wings I bet Spells will be even better. Rock on Aprilynne
thanks !! very helpful post!
Hi, just read Wings and really enjoyed it. I'm excited the sequel is coming out soon! Great covers.
I love the jacket quote, I can't wait for more Tamani.
omg you're so cruel i'm dying from anxiety i need to read SPELLS NOW D: , i can't believe 9 months ago i read wings for the first time, and fell in love with your story & characters (*coffDAVIDcoff*) congratulations for making such amazing stories A.P.
I just read your original opening and I can see why you had trouble changing it! I really enjoyed reading.
Ooo Tamamni! He makes my heart go pitter patter.
I loved that quote too :)
I'm from Germany and when I had finished 'wings' (which is called in german 'Elfenkuss') I was so eager to read the next book that I couldn't wait for the book to come out in german language (thank God I didn't, it took one year!) so I ordered 'spells' a few weeks later! ha, now I have two books in my shelf which look completely different from each other, but hey, who cares, right?and now I won't have to wait another YEAR for the german to publish the third book! I only have to wait til May! Yessss.(and to be honest: the original words sound so much better than the 'german' words)
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