But words are cheap, I know you all just want to see the picture of my sixteen pies.:D
Here you go!
*drools* They were beautiful!
Okay! So this is mostly a post full of catch-up and housekeeping!
It has been an incredible six months of foreign rights sales and I haven't updated you guys in ages. And . . . well . . . somebody ads it to my Wikipedia page and I'm vain. Deal with it.:D
UK/ Harper UK
German / Random House
Brazil (Portuguese) / Editora Bertrand
Estonian / Kirjastus Pegasus
Italian / Sperling & Kupfer Editori
Hebrew / Matar
Canada (French) / Ediciones Ada
Spanish / Urano
Turkish / Pegasus
Polish / Wydawnictwo Dolnoslaskie
Lithuanian / Media Incognito
Russian / Exmo
Greek / Livanis
Portugal / Bertrand
French / Pocket Jeunesse
Japanese / Take-Shobo
Croat / Mosaik Knjiga
Indonesian / PT Gramedia
Dutch / Standaard
Hungary / Konyvmoly
Bulgarian / Studio Art-Line
Catalan / La Galera
And I have three more currently being negotiated, so by the end of 2009, Wings will be set to be published in 25 foreign countries. Can we say better than I ever dreamed of? *swoon*
Tons of people have been asking about the movie. Sadly, the movie industry moves about as slowly as the publishing industry. But the good news is, we are still moving! Still progressing! Things are happening and we are still heading in the right direction! (How's that for a vague update?!?!)
Probably the biggest housekeeping announcement is that I am taking a break from email for the month of December so I can spend a bit more time with my family. Also, I am hoping most people are just too busy with the holidays to email me, so I won't miss very many.:D We are big Christmas people in my house and along with it being family time, I also make hand-dipped chocolates and truffles and that takes up a huge chunk of my time in December. So I won't be doing much writing or reading, just snuggling kinds and hubby and rolling in chocolate . . .er . . . I mean rolling fondant centers in chocolate. Yeah, that's what I mean.:D
I will still be blogging and tweeting, I just need a small break from emailing. If I have your email already, you'll get a response. But if not, wait till January to write me.:D And have a great holiday while you're waiting!
And lastly, don't forget Holidaze With the Debs!! Live in Chicago? Near Chicago? Near an airport than flies into Chicago?? Come see us!!! All info here!

It's going to be way fun! So come if you can!
Happy December!
you made me drool over the pies and talks of chocolate! Love the dog in the back ground of the photo.
Hi Aprilynne!! How are you??
Ok, first of all, that pies looks DELICIOUS! Partying with you would be so great having so much delicious food!
Second of all, yaaaaayyy!!! Finally!! I can read Wings in Spanish!!!!!!!!!!!! =) Congratulations!!
Have a happy December with your family!! Greetings from Argentina!
Wow, your pies look good. Good to see you are somewhat taking a much needed break. Enjoy December...
One more foreign publisher you shouldn't forget:
Chinese / Black Market Press
I'm strangely craving pie now. Enjoy your month off from email. I can't fathom a month with out email. But you go girl for doing it! Happy Holidays!
I'm drooling over the pies:)
Congratulations on all of the foreign rights sales. That is amazing!
drooooool indeed.
Those pies look amazing. Congratulations on the 25 countries. I know how you feel about December as I also do hand dipped chocolates,. good luck
Congratulations on your fabulous success in so many countries. Wings is great and so you deserve it.
I wish there was a way for me to make those pies materialise. They look yummy and even though I've eaten plenty I'm now hungry from seeing them.
Enjoy your celebrations & family over December.
Holy snap, Aprilynne! You had me at pies. And then you threw in hand-rolled chocolates!!!
Congratulations! I hope you'll keep us posted on the movie news:)
*kinda unrelated to the blog post*
WINGS just arrived in India and I think I was probably one the first persons to read it. And I lurrrrved it!! Cheers for Team Tamani <3
Can't wait for SPELLS :)
Dude, I would definitely read that in Catalan. I used to speak it up until a few years ago!
That's a lot of pies and a lot of Cool Whip...mmm...Cool Whip.
Have a Merry Christmas!
I was very impressed by all of the pies that you made. Wow!!
Hey girl, I am so thrilled about the class that you will be teaching at the writers conference in April! I already have my daily schedule planned out. Also, remember that you promised an interview with LDS Women's book review. We will catch you during the conference some time. Sound good?
BTW, I am so thrilled for you and all of the great things happening with WINGS. I am so excited to read the next installment. Have a great December.
omg i just found out that spells isnt comming out to long from my birthday :D
its comming out the 4th right? my birthday is on the 13th
yay! i know what im getting as an early birthday present lol :D
Hi i'm Brittany, i think those covers are so pretty! especially the German one!I also think your name is beautiful and so unique becoz i'd never heard it before :)i just wanted to tell you Aprilynne that you and Stephenie Meyer are such inspirations to me becoz i'm a member of LDS as well and i can't tell you how much i am happy, becoz my dream is to be a published writer also. i live in Australia and somehow i hope to meet you both :) thank you and i can't wait for SPELLS AND THE OTHERS!love Brittany
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