Thursday, November 05, 2009

*Squishy hugs*

I love Moonrat.

Just sayin'.



moonrat said...

That's cuz Moonrat loves you <3

Anonymous said...

How awesome of Moonrat to post your blog on his blog.

Aprilynne Pike said...

And I love you for lovin' me and you love me for lovin' you. And that's cuz none of us got enough love in our childhoods.


LauraN said...

I just read WINGS, and since then, the line from the Andrew Marvel poem has been going through my mind. "My vegetable love would grow vaster than empires and more slow." You've given that line a new meaning.

Meagan Elizabeth Hightower said...

Wings was totally awesome. It made my book of the month blog post. I enjoyed it alot.

molly said...

Aw that's awesome!

And I want to add that i LOVE the cover for Spells! I just saw it on your site and I am so extremely excited for this book. The cover is gorgeous!

Writer 421 said...

Aaaah!!!!!!!! SPELLS cover is on Aprilynne's site:

Aprilynne: it's looks bootiful!

swiftclaw4 said...

do you luff me? WINGS was totally awesome, like your name! aprilynne is a prettyful name!