Yay! I just love it! I especially love the font, which is just a bit different than on Wings.
But you know what I really love? That it will be on the shelves in less than six months! I really love Spells. *whispers* I think it's better than Wings . . . Of course, I think every author thinks each subsequent book is better than the last so, well, I'm probably biased.:D But at the very least, I hope you all love the cover as much as I do!
I love this cover. I just finised Wings today and was looking around everywhere to see if there was going to be a sequel! im so happy there is! I cant wait for Spells to hit the shelves :)
It's beautiful! I'm excited to read it:) 6 months—yay!
Oh, Em, Gee! I love it! Wings was brilliant, but I know things will really heat up with Spells. Can't wait!
It is very pretty indeed!
I love the cover, Aprilynne! Can't wait to read what's going to be inside! Congratulations...on many levels!
Of course you know I love it! It's beautiful!!
it's gorgeous! congratulations!! i love flowers!
It's beautiful!
I Love it!!! Its sooo pretty!
princess bookie
I LOVE IT!!!!! I have been so excited to read it since I read the first book! I am hoping and praying that it will get released sooner... a girl can dream, right? ;)
That is a gorgeous cover!
I love the cover. I can't wait to read it.
Stunning! Can't wait to read it!
So pretty! and the font really stands out! Its PURDY!
Really beautiful cover!! Congrats!
it's beautiful! congrats!
I love to cover it is gorgeous i can not wait to read it =D
Wonderful cover Aprilynne!
Ad maiora from Italy
wow! I really love this cover!
I love the cover and cant wait for May 4th to come around! I am also looking forward to seeing you at the Faerie Festival this weekend. Keep up the awesome writing ;)
Love the cover. I finally read Wings this week, just finished it last night. I absolutely loved it. My teenage daughters are reading it now. Can't wait for Spells!
The cover is phenomenal. Uber excited!
Absolutely gorgeous! If I didn't want to read it all ready, I would just from the cover.
Pretty in pink! One more thing to be thankful for this month.
Love, love, love the cover and can't wait for the sequel. Very excited!!!!
I love it! Can't wait to read it. =D
What a gorgeous color. I love the contrast of the somewhat mysterious and lucious red versus the moonish blue in wings. Kind of adds a bit of magic to the idea of spells, you know? Love it Love it Love it!
I actually like this cover even more than Wings. It's beautiful. Can't wait to see the UK cover too (I LOVED the UK Wings cover!)
my goodness! this just makes it so REAL! coming out so SOON! yay! my exams will just be starting then, but i think i`ll make time ;)
Totally AWESOME! can't wait to read it!!
gorgeous cover!
Gorgeous, Aprilynne. Congrats!
Wow, it is beautiful!! I can't wait for it to come out. I know it is less then 6 months but it still seems like a really long time to wait...
I like the all the pink, and I think I can guess why it is called Spells. How many books are you planning on writing for Wings?
The cover is so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. I personaly love the floating-on-water theme.
As a writer, I knnow how important this is to you-- this is your chance to prove yourself and say, "Hey! I wrote a beautiful novel! And guess what? The sequal is even better!"
Oh no, the second-novel disease is spreading! Yikes!
I prefrom in a play on November 12th. The Spell of Sleeping Beauty.
I'm a spider! yay! Complete with 38 lines (ten more than Sleeping Beauty has! lol)
Wish me luck!
Oh and I'm going to see WICKED!
Congrats on the sequal! I'll be first in line to buy it! Yay, another book to thow at people! :)
How beautiful! I can't wait to read it!
I'm so excited for this sequel to come out, great title and great cover!
Congratualtions from downunder!
Looks great! I can't wait to read it!
I love it! Can't wait until May *book release and your visit!*
I'm such a huge fan!! I can't wait till Spells comes out. Love this series so far.
Ohh, the long-waited for cover.
It's amazing (:
But it'll be more amazing once it's in my hands.
Only 6. More. Months!
Looking good... can't wait. I agree with you, the font is 'oh so cute'.
I can't wait to get my hands on this book! I may have to sneak it in the house when it comes out because my daughter and I would be fighting over it!
Beautiful. You have great cover designers. And I can't wait either.
Woooooooooooooow!! I absolutely love this cover!!! Congratulations Aprilynne!!
Can't wait to read it!! =)
By the way... I really REALLY want Wings to be published on Spanish!!
Daniela (from Argentina)
i am in love with the cover. i've read and re-read wings at least 7 times! i can't wait for spells to come out. i think i'll die waiting!
I love the cover, Aprilynne. I'm so excited for you! Yay! :-D
Sweet Cover! I can't wait for Spells to come out! I wondered if there was going to be a sequel! (There's four?!)
I can't believe Wings is going to be made into a movie, either! (I don't mean that in a bad way.) For most books it takes years before the wonderful novel gets some attention and is made into a movie, but Wings had the movie rights sold in the same year it is published! :D This is great!
Wow, long comment. Anyway.
wow! love it!
It's sooo beautiful. I love it.
Gorgeous cover. Congrats on all the amazing success too! Somewhat amazed you've turned the sequel around so quickly, I'm terribly jealous.
Awesome, Aprilynne!!
I bought WINGS yesterday and I can't wait to read it :D
I love the cover. It looks beautiful! I can't wait to read it (in between studying for the bar) ;) Lots of love!
My sister-in-law gave me this book, and I couldn't put it down; it was so amazing. I had to get online, and find you're site so I could see if there would be a sequel and there is. I'm so excited, and the cover is so beautiful.
You know I love it, but I'm more excited for what's on the inside!!! <3
Love the cover and the title!!!! can't wait to read it!!!!
OMG!!! same here!! i just finished wings 2day!!! it was SUCH a good book i couldnt stop reading it! my mom was yelling @ me to go do my hw when i was reading this AWESOME book instead!!! Is spells out yet? im dieeeiing to read it? if not when does it ocme out plz someone answer me i neeed to know!!!!
I just finished Wings and it was so beautiful I nearly cried. Then again, I was reading until about 2 in the morning...
I can't wait to read more of Tamani, he's an awesome character!
im so excited for your second book! 6 months... go pass quickly! xD
i saw this a while ago but wasnt able to leave a comment.
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
i am psycked!
im so going to get it as soon as possible!
i was thinking it was going to be called wands or potions but i thought" humm that cant be right..."
so i heard you are putting subtile hints of what is going to happne. i think i found one. the elder said that they havent had a fall fairy strong enough to make the elixer...is laurel going to be "that fairy"?
i'll keep megan newcomb posted for me
YAY! ^-^
(sorry im realy excited right now)
I must admit i picked up Wings at my local Wal-Mart because i liked the cover. But after just a few pages i was "enticed" by Laurel and all the other characters in this book. I bought the book around 5:30 pm and finished it at 11:30. I simply could not put it down. I can not wait to recieve Spells (which i have already preordered :])!!
Congrats Aprilynne! I love the cover!
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