I belong to a little group called 2009 Debutantes which is kind like the class of 2K9 only *looks around for the ravenous YA mafia* way cooler! We're more about community than publicity, but we have started unlocking some posts, so feel free to pop by and check us out.
Anyway, there is a woman in the group named Saundra who has been making cover mock-ups for us. Just for fun, of course, but man they are so pretty! So here's mine!

Oh yes, I iz happy!
It looks wonderful!
I'm gonna go check out 2009 Debs now. Thanks for a new link! :)
It looks wonderful!
I'm gonna go check out 2009 Debs now. Thanks for a new link! :)
Hi, my cousin recommended your blog to me because she said you had listed somewhere some great ideas for finding an agent. I have perused your site just now, but don't really know where to start or what to even search for (as you talk about your agent a lot, understandably!). So I was wondering if you could either point me to the right post, or something along those lines? Thanks a lot, and best wishes!
Oh, I don't know if it makes a difference or not (regarding finding an agent), but what I'm writing right now is a children's book. Ok, thanks again!
Kiddle, my wife may have more details for you when she happens by, but as a general rule the first places she points people are the first two links at the side of her blog--AgentQuery (pretty much what it sounds like) and Absolute Write (an online community of writers and would-be writers). Aprilynne relied heavily on both for research when she was first starting out.
Aprilynne also very recently did several posts on writing a query letter, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding those--but before you can even start writing a query letter, you have a lot of research to do identifying the agents you want to query, figuring out if they represent your kind of work, whether they are accepting submissions, what they like to see in a query letter, et cetera. Between AgentQuery and Absolute Write, you should be able to find answers to all of these questions--but perusing is unlikely to get the job done. Aprilynne actually made up a very thorough spreadsheet to keep track of who she intended to query, who she'd already queried, who had rejected her, and so forth.
Obviously, a lot of work! But the resources I've mentioned really guided the process for her.
Good luck!
Thank you, I appreciate your response!
Oh man, I daydream about the future cover of my hopefully-one-day-published book.
There is just something so real, so professional about a book cover.
Wow, I'd buy that book. Looks awesome.
Do you think you'll end up with that kind of cover, or more traditional art/painting type stuff? I know the older YA audience is different from MG.
Can't wait to see the real thing!
Hey all! Sorry for the delay, I'm at my mom's house working on edits.
Welcome kiddle 97, my husband pretty much told you what I'd have told you except that because you write children's books, I would add that you should check out the forums at verlakay.com. It is devoted solely to authors of children's books (Picture books through YA) and there are tons of smart cookies on those boards!
Yeah, Renee, a book cover makes it seem so real . . . even if it's fake.:)
James, I'm not sure at all what kind of cover they will give me. But I do know I should have it sometime next month, so stay tuned!
That (fake) cover looks great!
Cool eye candy. I was an art director long before I became a writer. When my editor asked for cover ideas I whipped out a bunch. One day I'll post em...
AMAZING! how did she do this?!
I love this cover!!!
I have cover envy...
Okay, that's way cool. I am pea green with envy!
Hi guys! Kiddle97 is my cousin. Thanks so much for your advice! You are awesome!!
The fake cover is cool. I cannot wait to see the real thing! :*)
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