Yesterday was a very, very sad day for my laptop.
It got replaced.
Which really is a little sad. I've had this laptop . . . or a version thereof . . . for four years. I have written at least part of every book I have ever even attempted on this laptop. And it has been severely abused. I have three kids, you know. It has been sat on, stood on, pushed off of footstools, had keys broken and yanked out, and been subjected to more than a few crumbs and sticky hands.
And it has war wounds. I don't know how well you can see this picture, but it is the AC adapter. Not only is it held together with electrical tape, but it is totally bent too. I can see the silver wires on the inside and have had blue sparks a couple of times. Can you say firehazard?
A while ago the little brace that holds the bottom of the keyboard to the bottom of the computer broke, and so now I can actually lift up and see into the guts of my laptop. Showing here.:)
And among other problems, the plastic on the hinges is very cracked. (Both hinges look about like this, but it's easier to see if I only took a picture of one . . . and really, I don't want to bore you guys too badly.;)
So farewell old laptop. You've been a good friend, and truth be told, I do feel a little bad about moving on after all the good years me and my lappie have had together. No with a bit of nostalgia, here is my laptop in it's final farewell. Laptop, we salute you!!!
Aaaaaaaand we're good. Out with the old and in with the new. And what a beautiful new it is!!
Oh yes, I am much happy about this.:) Now, as with any new relationship, there will be adjustments and things I will need to get used to. Using "Command" for all of the things I used to use "Control" for, for example. The delete key being a backspace key, and no actual delete key at all. But there are also good things I am getting used to very quicky: the two finger scroll, a CapsLock key that lights up when it is on! How cool is that? And, of course, a battery that doesn't short out my computer. (It's the little things, yanno.)
So yeah, I am getting accustomed to the Mac world these days, and rather enjoying it.:)
And hopefully, many, many, many books will get written on this lappie too.