We have a guest on DebsTour today. Well, considering his book, he's probably more of an intruder, but hey, you say po-TAY-to, I say Pa-TAH-to.:D
So welcome to the blog tour James Dashner and his new book, out today, THE MAZE RUNNER. A book that is better than mine.;)
Here's a bit about The Maze Runner: When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls.
Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has been delivered in the lift.
Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers.
Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind.
*Aprilynne's note: Seriously, people, Hunger Games has got nothing on The Maze Runner. Incredible book!!*

Wait, wait, is that all we've got? *scratchy whisper* Seriously? That's all it says on Amazon? *rolls eyes* AmazonFAIL! Looks like it's time for . . . COLOR IT UP GIRL!!!!!
Okay, James Dashner bio Aprilynne style. *Ahem*
The first time I met James I was late to a luncheon in which James was bet five bucks by the illustrious Sara Zarr that he could not finish a rather ginormous Cobb salad. By the time I arrived James was a bit fatter, a little green, and five dollars richer. That is pretty much James in a nutshell. Raised in Georgia, James now lives in Utah with his wife and four really cute kids. He is the author of six other books and loves Mountain Dew and Cheese. Not necessarily in that order.
His greatest accomplishment to date is being friends with me.
See! That's way better.:D
Okay, James was kind enough to answer my Feasty Five, so away we go!
AP: What kind of soda does your MC drink?
JD: Apocalyptic Dew.
AP: *blinkblink* Funny, I don't remember that in the book. Hmmmm. What is your MC's favorite kind of flower? How about yours?
JD: Venus Fly Traps. Me? Venus Fly Traps.
AP: *long silence* This is what I get for asking a guy . . . who writes about a guy . . . a question about flowers. Let's pretend that question didn't happen. Next! Does your MC believe in magic? Do you?
JD: He absolutely does not believe in magic. I, however, do.
AP: *warm fuzzies* Awwwwwww. Superman or Batman?
JD: Batman doesn't even have any powers! But Batman movies trounce Superman movies. Hmm. I refuse to answer!
AP: CHEATER!!!! I'm going to give you one more chance to make a real decision.
JD: *silence*
AP: *Evil Eye*
JD: *moar silence*
AP: *grumble* Fine, Mr. Decisionally Challenged. Give us one line from your book. You don't even have to give it context.
JD: "Everything is going to change."
AP: Good that!! (Read the book, you'll laugh at me later.;)) Thanks you James for Guest-Deb-Touring with us!
You can find James' incoherent ramblings at jamesdashner.com and you can order The Maze Runner here. Better yet, go see James on tour!
Wow, that is one impressive write-up. Thank you Aprilynne! You're such a silly goose.
And thanks for saying my book is better than yours AND HG. Yeah, lots of credibility left after that statement...
Suddenly this book is everywhere! I want to read. Thanks for the goofy interview, A1 Sauce. =))
See, James, more reasons why you should pay closer attention to post-apocalyptic video games. You could have said "Nuka-Cola" was your MC's favorite soda and earned some major geek-cred.
Very fun to read. It seems the world is now going to find out what the real James is like.
Thanks for telling me NOW! Kenny. haha
I like Apocalyptic Dew better.
Totally funny--and so James. Congrats, James, and great interview Aprilynne. You two are a hoot.
Love James Dashner! I met him at a writers conference way back when and got his first four books autographed for my daughters. Now they love him too! Can't wait to get The Maze Runner for them especially because they also love the Hunger Games. So exciting!
PS We l-o-v-e Wings too!
Aprilynne - You are right, your review was WAY better than Amazons! I am running to the store after work, and we put your review on our Late Bloomer Blog too :)
Love the flower question! Sounds like a great read.
All these book recommendations are thinning out my wallet! Thanks Aprilynne from keeping my boredom at bay:D
If you say it's better than The Hunger Games then I need to read it!! Sounds great!
My "To-Read" pile is growing and growing and I cannot begin to to tell you how excited I am about this book. James Dashner rocks!
(Sorry for writing then deleting, then write again. I just cant quite make it right. Last one, promise)
"Better than Hunger Games" Ooohh!! That's a bold statement Ms. Pike, considering HG is in my top 1 books. I've just the read the review on goodreads and another reader compared it to the Hunger Games. Sooooo buying it now! Thanks for the post!!
Btw: Let's not forget Wings too(which I loved!!) Will be looking forward to Wings' 2nd book! I hope you do a signing in Changing Hands again(I missed your first one) considering you live in AZ again(me too!!In Mesa!)
Have a nice day!
Loved reading this interview...and of course there is a line at our house waiting to read Maze Runner, which I think I will buy while they are at school and not tell them I have until AFTER I get to read it and AFTER they all sign contract bids on how many chores they'll do to get to read it first after me!!! The highest bidder gets to read it first...after they do the chores, of course! hugs~
haha.... awesome interview. That makes me laugh.
Great interview! I loved reading 'Maze Runner' and hoping to meet up with James to get my copy signed! See you soon!
Wow. I love that interview! and the bio and all. I have been very anxiously awaiting this book!
love your book! but im disappointed with the cast choices (miley cyrus) because i dont think shes the right person to really portray laurel in the movie.i would just she her as hannah montana, not a graceful, blonde, faerie.
I am very curious about this book! Especially if you say that it is worthy of comparison to Hunger Games! I hope they will be getting it at the library soon!
ummm...conceited much? Probably very other book in the world is better than yours!
Why is it called "Wings" if she does not have any?
Just bought this book. Can't wait to dive into it! :)
I have to say, after finishing "The Maze Runner" yesterday, I was confuzzled at which I liked better- The Hunger Games or The Maze Runner. But now I have come to a conclusion, And The Maze Runner is 2nd on best books in the history of ever! Which is saying something...I've read a lot of books =D
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