Anyway, it's September first! (For a couple more hours anyway.:)) I have been waiting for today since probably the middle of July. Why? Because publishing slows down in the summer. I'm ready for my cover! Marketing news! First pass pages! A very important acquisitions meeting! For Europe to wake up!
But even more than that, I am looking forward to the ESPLOSION of amazing books this Fall! There are so many huge books coming out this Fall and many of them are debuts. Here's the run-down:
CATCHING FIRE by Suzanne Collins: Cannot talk about the Fall books without mentioning this one. Nuff said.:D
THE HOLLOW by Jessica Verday: I admit I was about a third of the way through this one when I got my edits and I sent it to a friend so I could share the luscious love. And the perfume. I haven't gotten it back yet. But the cover? Gorgeous! I want this book just so I can have that cover on my shelf!
DEVIL'S KISS by Sarwat Chadda: I lost my heart to Sarwat at BEA this summer. Even if I hadn't read the ARC he so splendidly signed, I would still be buying this book. But on top of that, the book is GOOD! Modern day Knights Templar with the first female knight. Need I say more?
FOREST BORN by Shannon Hale: A new Bayern book. Are you a Shannon Hale fan? You should be!
ODD AND THE FROST GIANTS by Neil Gaiman: I admit, I don't have the foggiest idea what this book is about, not do I care. See who it's written by? I'm convinced!:)
FIRE by Kristin Cashore: The woman who is single-handedly putting high fantasy back on the YA map. Go Kristin!
LEVIATHAN by Scott Westerfield: People, I stood in line for 45 minutes to get this ARC at BEA. A new series from the author of the UGLIES series!
THE MAZE RUNNER by James Dashner: Book of overwhelming awesomeness that I am giving away at the end of this post. In. Credible. Awesomeness.
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: DOG DAYS by Jeff Kinney: My children want this. They have eaten up the first three.
HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick: A debut by a friend of my husband's friend. We're, like, related!
SPLENDOR by Anna Godbersen: My guilty pleasure. I actually always wait for these to come out in hardcover before asking my editor for them because the covers are so amazing!
And that is just September and October!!! There are more amazing books coming out in November and December (like Beautiful Creatures *koffkoff*) and I will do another rundown when we get there.
So this fall is amazing for readers. Let's just say that when the Publishers Weekly On-Sale calendar came out, I gulped and was supremely glad Wings came out in the summer.:) So yeah, publishing is exploding and I am very happily reading everything I can get my hands on in the very limited time I have between writing and keeping my two-year-old from dumping salt all over the floor.:D
Are you still reading? Wow, you're awesome. You deserve something cool.
You deserve a chance to win the most awesome book coming out this fall!!!!
I was kindly gifted an ARC of The Maze Runner by James back in April (okay, I stole it in front of his wife so he couldn't be mean and rip it back out of my hands, actually, but hey, let's not be picky about definitions!) and that one is going nowhere except under my pillow every night. (I kid, I kid! . . . it has its own bed.:D) but while I was at BEA, they were cleaning up and I happened to wander through a nearly deserted room and looked down and what did I find at an empty table but another ARC of The Maze Runner. And, well, everyone knows that when it comes to ARCs at BEA, the whole Finders Keepers Rule is law. So I picked it up, put it in my bag, and now you have a chance to win it!
But I bet you'll forgive me if it's signed, right??
So, one signed copy of James Dashner's THE MAZE RUNNER up for grabs a whole month before you can get it in stores! All you have to do is comment. I will keep this contest open until after I get home from Labor Day weekend because, well, I'll be busy till then.:D
Comment away!
I am here, and I was first when I started typing, to say I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win. I too am very excited for Fall and all the great books being released. I just wish book two were already ready all ready.
Ooh, I want that ARC by the Dude! Sign me up. Totally stoked for all the awesome new releases this fall.
Not so much for the cool Utah weather, but, you can't have your cake...yada yada yada.
Cool new contest!
Not sure whether commenting on your facebook note counts so I'm just throwing a comment here also! :)
Can't wait for Wings sequel!
Huge fan of james and would love a SIGNED copy!! Does it count for anything if I own the Fincher saga, yes all 4 of his first series that's rare and hard to get??? Please enter me..did I forget to mention a SIGNED copy??
Omg i would love your copy of The Maze Runner.And to have it signed would just make it 10x's better.I really hope you do this when your next book comes out it would be so awsome to read your book before it actually comes out .Well i'm not sure how you pick the winner but i hope you pick me.i'm not sure if commenting your myspace will count but i'm headed there next.
P.S I love the way you came to have this book.Your definitely a kid at heart with the whole finders keepers thing lol.
Comment, Comment, Comment! All I have to do is comment, right?
I have to admit that when I dream about becoming a published author, free books and meeting other authors is a perk that is high on my list! I will be getting paid to write simply by virtue of the fact that my Barnes and Noble bill will shrink dramatically.
That is my favorite song from Carousel!
Oh I'm so excited about Catching Fire and Forest Born! How can anyone NOT be a fan of Shannon Hale!??!
Sign me up for this cool ARC! I love it when books have been well loved and used! AND SIGNED! WOO HOO!!
I'm excited for most of those books too - especially the new Bayern book.
I would love to win a copy of this one!
I remember hearing James talk about that at LTUE, the same conference where I first heard about YOU! I'd love to win!
Wow awesome contest!!! I would love to win
I was so excited to get a lot of writing done this fall. Don't tempt me with all of these books! And especially don't enter me in the drawing for The Maze Runner:)
I got to read FIRE a few months ago and it was amazing! And my sister read CATCHING FIRE and didn't stop talking about it all summer. Needless to say, as much as I love new books, the one I'm really waiting for is yours :)
Ooh, I've had my eye on Maze Runner for a while now. I really want to read it. (And pretty much every other book you listed!) I would love to win this!
shouldbewritingnow at gmail dot com
I've never owned anything signed before! I love to read (like everyone else on the planet does/should) and it would be amazing!
Thanks for the cool contest!
Pick me, pick me! I so, so, so, so, want this!!!!!!! And yay for fall, I love that it's raining new books. Fall rocks.
I'd love to stay and comment, but I'm in the middle of Catching Fire that I had to run out and get first thing yesterday morning. Nuff said :D
It sounds like an interesting book. I have never read him before, so go ahead and throw my name in the hat. Thanks!
I better start saving my pennies for all these great books. the Maze Runner looks like an amazing book.
Well by your own laws, if your pratically related to Becca, then we're like best friends.
I've spoke to you on a chat with mundiemoms and also we have squeed over the delicious yummy cookie-ness you so generously shared.
Also, I run a fan site for Maggie Stiefvater, who btw is just as awesome as you.
The Maze Runner is our book of the month for November, and I have been trying to get my hands on a copy of this to prepare for like, tooo long!!!
This is like a sign surely, because, i believe in signs and stuff and I am sure this is a sign!
Plus, i'm having a get together author chat with James in October!!
Also, I emailed him a while back about being book of the month and told him to thank you, because you were the person who brought this book to my attention, because of this: -
Aprilynne: Hate List, by Jennifer Brown- The Hollow, by Jessica Verday- Swoon, by Nina Malkin-Ash, by Malinda Lo-Struts and Frets, by Jon Skovron-The Maze Runner, by James Dashner (okay, I already read it, but it's awesome!!)-The Body Finder, by Kimberley Derting-Candor by Pam Bachorz.
(NOTE - this is a real comment by the real aprilynne)
I totally want to win this contest, can you tell?
Oh my goodness! I would love to win! I got Catching Fire yesterday as soon as the doors to Borders opened, and I finished it last night..... and boy was I mad when it was over!!! what a cliffhanger! But any who, I would REALLY like to win!
i just got Catching Fire and The Hollow. Cant' wait for Hush, Hush. The blogosphere is boiling with reviews, and even though I've begged and begged for an ARC I don't have one. So when it comes out, I'll devour it!
Oh! I clicked publish too fast: I love James Dashner. He was at the BYU workshop for writers back in June. And what a fantastic guy he is!
What a fabulous reading list, how will I get any writing done on my own novel! You authors and your amazing books...
I'd love to win Dashner's book. I'd love to win any book!
I want it! I need a new book to read:) I just read catching fire & loved it! I'm ready for book 3...
I'll sign up for this one. After all, it is The Dude.
Wow, thanks Aprilynne! Cheers to the lucky winner - I hope you like the book.....
I loved Wings & cant wait for the sequel!!!
I LOVED this list of books you posted, as many of them are on my list to read. I'm so glad you mentioned the Maze Runner. We're doing a joined chat with him in October on Mundie Moms!!
If you don't mind, can I list your book recommendations under our forum we have for you on Mundie Moms? You've listed such awesome books.
Have a wonderful day!
Please enter me for the Maze Runner, I would love to read this book!
My kids have all of his books and LOVE them. If I win this for them I will be a hero! And thanks for the list of new releases. I can't wait to check them out!
Ditto to ALL these books. I cannot wait to read them! LEVIATHAN looks so fabulous, and THE HOLLOW just has such a cool, delightfully creepy cover. :D
I won the Maze Runner yesterday on James' blog so I'm just commenting because well--I think you're cool. ;)
Thanks for the great list, Aprilynne! I love having resources..and I know I'm family and don't qualify for the give-away...but I wanted to say HI! hugs`
Yeah, I already have Catching Fire on pre-order and I can't wait for the Shannon Hale book too. I'm sure I'll be reading most of the things on your list.
I am so looking forward to reading Maze Runner and Hush Hush! There's a million books coming out in September/October, I can't keep up!
Such a good book! Stealing ARC's is a great past time! I'm gonna be overwhelmed with new books to read this fall... Yay!
I am so excited for these books, and so many more! This fall is an amazing time for all book lovers! I'm already looking forward to your new book :)
oo please enter me in the contest! I don't want to wait a whole month to read it!
I've never even held an ARC. And one that sounds so exciting is hard to resist. Please enter me.
Oh my GOSH! I can't wait to get my copy of Catching Fire. I pre-ordered it but it's probably not shipping until the 8th. [I'm thinking they usually overestimate how long it'll take. they did that with the other books I ordered =) so I'm hoping it ships sooner!] The Hunger Games was/is SO addicting. LOVE it.
and I like Uglies so I'm totally checking out Scott Westerfeld's new book. woot!
I'm going to have to check out some of the other books mentioned. =D
and I would LOVE to win a signed ARC of the Maze Runner!
Thank you!
Thanks so much for the list. I'm looking forward to reading each and everyone of them. especially catching Fire. The Hunger Games Was amazing, i could not put it down. Its in a special secion on my book case wich is reserved for simply amazing book (which does take up the better part of it i wont lie :))
i really, really want to read that book! please pick me!
ohhh that would be sooo cool if I won! I would be so happy. I've never heard of him, so it will be great to read his book and see how he is. I'm so excited for all the new books coming out this fall and am so greatul you made the list, I totally love reading! I fit it in between school and chores and i'm still able to read quite a few books. So hopefully i'll win so I can read something new!!!
Thanks for holding this contest!
So many good books! Must finish edits so I can start reading again...
: )
Oh! I would love to win that book! I need something good to read, because I just finished yours and it was sooo good! If you say this is good it has to be!
Woohoo enter me! This is such an awesome contest:D
Me: Imagine if we go on a trip to this Amazonian forest. We'll all be stinky and dirty.
My friend: We'll carry soap with us, genius.
Me: But we'll end up carrying a small amount!
My friend: We'll manage.
Me: What if we start fighting over it?
My friend: We'll share!
Me: Buuuut...what if we start fighting over it real bad and the soap flies out into outer space?
My friend: ...
Would so love to get my hands on that book!
Per The Dude's instructions: I'd be more tickled than Elmo if I won.
It's ironic. I'm over halfway through your book "Wings" and I finally come across your blog. Yeah, it was via Dashner, but what are you going to do?
Maze Runner is coming out on my birthday. At least I know James will be celebrating the same day ;)
And now for the Dashner Dude's instructions....
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Laurel drinks sprite
What soda are you?
I'm commenting! Always meant to. Might have once or twice before. Love you, love James's awesome!
We own all of James' books, and of course I'll have to get this in hard copy, but it would still be awesome to have an ARC. I'd totally love to win one!
And just so the Dude knows, my geese, Inky, Pinky, Blinky and Clyde want it too!
Thanks for that great list! I will watch for them!! Can't wait for Maze Runner. I can't get any of James' books from the library with out having to wait forever on hold. Lots of fans in this little town, I guess. I would LOVE to own one!!
I have never seen a spider eat a chipmunk, but hope to someday.
Apilynne, if you get a plethora of silly willy comments, it might be my fault.....
Enter me in the contest! I WANT that book James!!
Aprilyne, I am so outrageously jealous that your book is being made into a movie! I want to be you when I grow up! lol
Sticks and stone may brake your bones, but names will make you famous!
Make that ApRilynne. Sorry.
Well, I would love to read this, I have heard great things about's hoping :)
I just finished 'Catching Fire'! WOW! Can I say that again? WOW!
I have 'Forest Born' on my table to read after I finish 'Graceling'. (well, I started Forest Born and may read both simultaneously).
Then I want to read 'Maze Runner'. Is the word 'docent' in that book?? :)
Wee willie docent
That guy James
Didn't make a dent
When he ranted and raved
We just laughed
At his humorous reply,
"I still think on a level 4 grade"
Hi Aprilynne! Thanks for hosting a giveaway... I really want this book!
BTW, Hey Diddle Diddle the cat and the fiddle ate mushrooms and wiggle kiddles.
Thanks for the contest! Have a great weekend!
Great list of Fall Books, Lots of great reading to do, so exciting!
And this one is dedicated to Dashner Dude, you know who you are!
Bow chicha bow wow that's what my baby said
Mow mow mow and my heart starts pumpn'
Chicky chicky chewop I'm not gonna stop
Gitchy gitchy goo means I love you
I said bow chicha bow wow that's what my baby said
Mow mow mow and my heart starts pumpn'
Chicky chicky chewop I'm not gona stop
Gitchy gitchy goo means I love you
Thus saith hence: Maze Runner!
I sound my barbaric yalp in the words of a true barbarian:
"I'm an hum wantum is fobber my sobblef dot debber ruddum book fobber to fumble joy bebbond mabble wabblest drums."
Okay so that sounds utterly ridiculous. I was actually writing in Fairviewianvilleburger barbarian, and what I said was, "I'd like that book."
Of course, Barbarian doesn't translate quite as smoothly as some dialects. If you were to break it down, it would translate: "I am in wanting for myself that there reading book for to find joy beyond my wildest dreams."
If you look at it word for word, you can see it, but the wording is ridiculous. But don't tell the Barbarians that, it's just the way they speak.
- Chas
Pick me! I can't wait to read the Dude's new book.
Thank you for Holding this contest, this is so much fun, not just getting a book(if you do) but reading other peoples comments.
And here is to James,
hoby hobay haw, I fell in the straw, I broke my leg, and got one as a peg, and thought to do it again.
So I'm trying to win this contest, because do you have ANY IDEA how badly I want to read this book, and how much it kills me to have to wait 33 days for its appearance? Because of the wonderful things he does.
Sign me up, thank you.
Silly, willy wishing worms
I have an ARC, but no signature! Does anyone want that? I think it's more valuable than the one with the signature. LOL.
I heard some recent fantastic news through the grapevine about WINGS. I'm so excited for you, its a fabulous book and I recommend it to all I talk to.
I also am a huge fan of Jame's work and in honor of him "Winky winky..." something something. You would have to read his blog post to understand. In the meantime, I will eagerly be checking out the books you recommended as I await the news to find out that somehow I've miraculously won an ARC of the Maze Runner which would totally make my month. Just kidding!
wow! some really amazing books! how do you have time for all this? I think I should quit being a writer and just be a reader. way more fun sometimes!
oh and it's a winky stinky pinky?
did I mention I want that book?
So many books I can't wait to read! Getting The Maze Runner (loved and signed) would rock!
And to Dashner Dude: Stop rhyming, I mean it. Anybody want a peanut? (because it's one of the best quotes ever!)
SSSSSSSSSSooooooooooooo excited about all the fantastic books coming out and would love to read this one as well!!! Pick me!
I love, love, love James Dashner. I also love Suzanne Collins and Shannon Hale. I can't wait for many of the books on your list. Well, fiddle dee dee and cats up a tree, I really really wish you would pick me. I like to watch pigs tapdance ;)
What a fabulous giveaway! I'm getting Catching Fire this weekend (cannot wait!) and so looking forward to reading some fantastic books in the next little while.
I'd love to win MAZE, even if it's a beat up copy, it's loved right?
Hunky monkeys sat on a trunky
Big pigs wore a wig.
Wow, people from the Dashner Dude are awfully silly. Weird.
Chas, that was freakin' hilarious!!!!
Yes, James, we all totally blame you for our silly streaks.
Really, Aprilynne, it's all HIS fault that we're all out here haunting your blog and leaving crazy, psycho comments. Well, okay, not really, because I read it anyway, but we have to blame the guy for something, right? He is rather fun to tease. =)
So, since he hasn't given me an ARC (dude, what's up with that?)one more comment in his honor.
Baa baa, Dashner Dude, have you any books? Yes ma'am, yes ma'am why not take a look? One for my master, one for my Dame, and one for the little kid who lives down the lane. (And one more for Nichole).
Who would not want to get a signed copy of the Maze Runner, by James Dashner? Must add to the collection and I need a good read for the fall; on those cold evenings after the sun has set, wrapped in my newly made afgan and sipping the hot chocolate. Been anxiously awaiting to find out what happens in the realm.
Sorry my publishing of my comment messed up.
Anonymous said...
Who would not want to get a signed copy of the Maze Runner, by James Dashner? Must add to the collection and I need a good read for the fall; on those cold evenings after the sun has set, wrapped in my newly made afgan and sipping the hot chocolate. Been anxiously awaiting to find out what happens in the realm.
11:16 PM
Would love win this one!!
I read your blog a lot and when I saw this I was happy at a chance to win the Maze Runner! I missed the last contest by a day *tears* lol and I also want to read The hollow! I saw it on thats how I found your book! Wings is charming I love it and I can't wait for the new book! =]
Awesome. Thanks for giving it away. I would love to be entered.
- Pixie
Love it! Please enter moi!
I would love to read this book!!!This book sounds awesome and I would absolutely LOVE to win because I've never won anything like this!! Thanks for the contest!!
Ya enter me please :) that sound's kewlio. (just my word for cool)
Count me in!
EdittLaw at gmail dot com
Ooh-I want that book! Thanks for the contest!
Wishy wishy, squish a fishy. :)
You just made my reading list for me. Thanks!
I'd love a copy of The Maze!
This is a long shot, but I would love to get a copy of that ARC.
Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss
But he only kissed you because he was pissed.
(How was that JD?)
Haha! I would love to win the Maze Runner. I have tried...I don't know how many...countless times and contests to win an ARC. Maybe I'll win...
Okay, this one's for James...
Is Algebra fruitless endeavor?
It seems they've been trying for ever
To find x, y, and z
And it's quite clear to me,
If they've not found them yet then they'll never.
Ooh! Enter me! I would be sure to share this already loved ARC with my bookish friends!
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
And the obligatory sign-off.. as ordered by James Dashner himself:
It seems like it's one of those nights
when the books are whispering...
I can't sleep while they call to me.
(I hope this is weird enough.)
I am SOOOO excited for most of the books on your list! I was on a major book hunting spree this summer and several of these were titles I put on my "Desperately Awaiting" book list :)
and ps, I would so LOVE that ARC! ;)
I cannot wait for my research to end so that I can begin my new WIP. Hopefully I'll have a debut and ARC's soon after. Thanks for sharing. I just bought 10 books the other day. :-D
Oh sweet =] My friend's sister read one of his books and said he was a really good author. But anyway I would love to win the book. It sounds really good from what your saying and the synopsis makes the book cound amazingggg! I would like die if I won haha. I love advanced copies. sadly the only one I have is Wings and I think I should buy anew one of that cause it is ripped so badly. Anyway i would love to win but if not oh well and congratz to whoever does end up winning =]
How dareth you let the Maze Runner ARC get in the hands of those whom which would hurt it exspecaily when it has been signed by the amazing JAMES DASHNER!!!........... OH well an ARC is an Arc.......maybe if I win it even though its not in the best of condition I Will give it to my dad for his birthday and as a thank you for all he does (Which is a lot)...................... you cant judge a book by its cover but you can tell how much it will cost......I LOVE JAMES BOOKS ...........
The path of truth and enlightment is lined with pancakes... And all children of the spatcula are important in everywhich way.....
Commenting to win!!!! :D
Those are great books...I must get around to reading Hunger Games...
ive heard great things about this book and Becca rocks!
We Willy Winky, We Love James more than Twinkie (s). :)
Love your book pics! Thanks for keeping us all up to date!
Well there is already 101 comments, my chances of winning are very slim, but what the hay I will give it a try! Love all the book suggestions, I am always up for a good thrilling read!!
I want this ARC !!!!!
Oh Wow! James is awesome. He's a great guy to take to lunch and he has this amazing memory for names and things. I definately want that copy.
I love fall its my favorite time of year.
I haven't really read too much lately. Mostly Wings and the Harry Potter books. It has to have high fantasy or fairies in it for me to read it, yanno? I hope that someone deserving wins the book. :) I can't say if I've ever won anything but a writing contest from an online forum. It was about scarecrows.
I'll have to look at some of these books. Any recommendations on books already out?
My favorite thing is when authors who's work I enjoy recommend books! James Dashner wrote about Wings, which I gave to my daughter for her Birthday and then stole back and read. Now you are giving away his stuff. Excellent! Thanks for the chance...
Soemthing silly for J.D....Wrights Rapidly Reading Remarkably Written Roadsigns
Wee Willie Winkins and I would love an arc of this book.
p.s. I had that song stuck in my head this morning and started re-writing a darker version of the musical in my mind. I must be tired!
Ooh! Me! Me! Me!!!
queenoftheclan at gmail dot com
PS - Willie Wonka and Walla Wilma are nothing compared to the Studly Dashner Dude. =)
okay, I am just catching up on your posts and I just have to say, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, you got to go to Show Low! That alone brings tears of joy. Okay, so I am totally homesick at the moment and I am thrilled that you got to enjoy home and there are people there-ya know, because sometimes when you're far away you wonder if that place only exists in memory... oh, it's late and I've been chasing children in too many circles. Okay, on that note, I wanted to say thanks for the Fall list. I am in a lull at the moment and both my 12 year old daughter and I need to hit Indigo Books. Yep, I'm in Canada and ahhh, knowing the snow is coming again has got me desert dreaming! Oh, and you get to go to the Faerie Festival too! You have fun! Thanks for the humor and knowing that another mom/woman has the spunk and energy to do what you're doing! Holly
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